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Brain Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

How the Swedes reduce dementia risk by 90 percent

Exercise and brain health go hand in hand… But how much time do you have to put in to prevent the most dreaded of age-related brain diseases — dementia? Science finally has a solid answer: A recent study determined a goal you can set to obliterate your dementia risk…

Joyce Hollman

How to put stress to work for a better brain

Stress is bad for you. Or is it? It certainly has its downsides, like increasing risks for conditions such as nausea, migraine, hypertension, heart disease and even cancer. But all stress is not the same and can, in fact, have the opposite effect…

Carolyn Gretton

How flavonols put the brakes on memory decline

What’s considered normal memory decline with age is not as disruptive as Alzheimer’s or dementia. But still, who wouldn’t like to maintain strong mental faculties as long as possible? If you’re getting plenty of this nutrient, you’ll keep a sharp brain at any age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Going cellular on why communication breaks down in the brain

We’ve gained new insight into just how important synaptic transmission is in keeping our brains healthy. A long-sought, gene-encoded protein has been discovered that enables the brain to communicate a broad range of signals, but when depleted can lead to breakdown…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The number of medications and types that increase dementia

Many factors play into dementia risk, from health and genetics to lifestyle. That makes understanding more about the risks within our control, like the number and types of medications you take regularly, paramount. Here’s the number and dangerous drug combos to watch for…

Carolyn Gretton

The answer to reversing Alzheimer’s may already be on the pharmacy shelf

One reason Alzheimer’s disease is such a dreaded diagnosis is there’s no effective treatment to halt its progression. But one research team has found potential in medications that have been used for years to treat other conditions that appear to reverse it. But is the answer in the medications or the conditions themselves?


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Eating nuts strengthens your brain waves

You already know nuts are brain food. But a new study has measured their powerful effect in the form of brain waves. They tested six different kinds of nuts, and all of them produced brainwave frequencies that can improve cognition, healing, learning, memory and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What omega-3s do to a middle-aged brain

Most of the research into brain health has focused on slowing or reversing the mind-stealing conditions you see in the elderly. But what, if anything, can omega-3s do for a middle-aged brain, especially one with a genetic predisposition for those very problems?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Best for a sharp brain: Crossword puzzles vs. high-tech games

Certain activities help stimulate the brain to keep it running like a high-performance race car. That’s why there are plenty of sophisticated web-based cognitive games specifically designed to improve those skills we need to keep our independence. And then there are crossword puzzles…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Wine vs beer: One of these carries a higher stroke risk

Although it’s long been known that heavy drinking can significantly raise the risk of stroke, little research has looked at the effects of moderate to low consumption to determine if there really is any safe level. That’s all changed thanks to a worldwide study that gives us new insight…

Carolyn Gretton

Why avoiding alcohol entirely may be bad for the brain

With dementia on the rise, experts are looking closer at known risk factors that lead to the devastating illness. One, alcohol use, has been hotly debated. Some studies say it harms, while others were not so clear. International research including almost 25,000 participants may finally have the answer…

Joyce Hollman

The minimum amount of steps to lower dementia risk

10,000 steps a day seems like an impossible goal. And luckily, we’re finding you don’t have to really walk that much to get real-world benefits. Want to make a singificant dent in your dementia risk? You’ll be glad to know you can take that number way down…