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Brain Health

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Joyce Hollman

What you do while sitting: The real reason being sedentary leads to dementia

There’s enough convincing research to discourage anyone from being a “couch potato.” But when it comes to dementia and sedentary behavior, there’s a caveat: Your choice of activity while you sit can make all the difference, even if you run marathons all day.

Carolyn Gretton

Don’t let heart problems prematurely age your brain

Conditions like dementia are influenced by certain aspects of heart health, like high blood pressure and stroke. But the connection is even more inextricably linked: If your heart health is poor, your brain is aging prematurely…

Jenny Smiechowski

Take probiotics and this may happen to your brain

Probiotics may be the perfect pill to melt fat, fight disease and keep a body young. They heal gastrointestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. But their benefits extend far…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Boosting brain energy may stop Alzheimer’s before it starts

Most of us, if we had to choose, might opt to give up our physical abilities over our mental faculties. I know I would. But research demonstrates once again that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In this case, it’s the breath of life for your brain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Supplements could save billions in health costs report shows

Plenty of critics claim supplements are a waste of money, but the research proves otherwise. The Council for Responsible Nutrition used that research to calculate how effective supplements are at preventing illness and the healthcare costs they can save. Now who’s throwing money down the toilet?

Carolyn Gretton

8 factors to keep your brain up to 20 years younger

As we grow older, the odds of getting dementia increase. But is that a given? When you take a look at the relationship between age and 8 specific risk factors, you might just find you can keep your brain up to 20 years younger than your contemporaries…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Could eggs be the answer to Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and more?

Do you remember when eating eggs for breakfast was considered one of the worst things you could do for your health? I do! But research has found an important nutrient abundant in eggs has the potential to disrupt the inflammation and cell death commonly tied to neurological problems.

Carolyn Gretton

How Alzheimer’s could be ‘cleaned’ from the brain

One challenge to treating Alzheimer’s is the difficulty of getting treatments through the blood-brain barrier. But researchers have stumbled across a game-changer: What if you could clean plaques from the blood as it circulates in the brain using existing methods?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fiber helps flush neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s

The gut-brain axis is a biochemical signaling pathway between your gut and central nervous system. But if your gut’s off, it becomes a fast track for a brain cell-destroying neurotoxin to travel straight to your brain to start a killing spree. Enough fiber can stop it…

Joyce Hollman

Over 60? What milk can do for your brain power

For older adults, cognitive decline and dementia loom large. You can support your brain by giving it needed antioxidants. But it turns out that adding some milk to your diet provides the building blocks for the “mother of all antioxidants”…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why thinking hard makes you so tired

Hard physical work can leave you exhausted. That’s because physical activity causes a buildup of a toxic muscular sludge known as lactic acid, that contributes to muscle fatigue. Surprisingly, thinking hard can affect your brain the same way…

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke danger: Why plaque thins and breaks off

Strokes can happen in an instant. And the mechanisms that lead to some strokes and most heart attacks involve ruptured arterial plaque. But until recently, researchers haven’t been able to determine exactly why that happens…