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Brain Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Forever chemicals: Hijacking genes to kill brain cells

We’re all intimately familiar with forever chemicals, whether we like it or not. They disrupt hormones, health and increase disease risk. But what they do when they cross into the brain is the most sinister of all…

Joyce Hollman

How red light signals ‘stop’ to reduce blood clot risk

Blood clots to help control bleeding. But it’s not always the protective mechanism it should be, and the danger is rarely discovered before it’s too late. But for those at higher risk, a new therapy could work…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is green tea the holy grail for brain health?

Green tea has a reputation as a holy grail for preventing a plethora of conditions. But against those that steal your memories and cognitive abilities, the evidence seems to go both ways. Take the guesswork out of brain and memory support…

Jedha Dening

Two kinds of fat your brain needs to reduce stroke risk

Stroke is perhaps the scariest of all vascular conditions. Odds are one in six of us will suffer one at some point. But research says that adding two specific fats to our diets won’t only lower risks for the development of stroke but reduce the severity should one happen…

Joyce Hollman

How your blood vessels can accelerate your brain’s age

As we age, our brains age along with all of our other parts. But some people’s brains experience accelerated aging, and research has zeroed in on how their blood vessels could be responsible…

Joyce Hollman

This Japanese spice turns up the heat on brain power

There are many foods that are good for your brain. But a new study adds one to the list that can improve your memory within weeks. Not many people can handle its heat though… but no worries, it comes in supplement form, too.


Carolyn Gretton

What receding gums signal about this shrinking organ

The cause of Alzheimer’s is elusive. But studies that find an association with certain conditions or practices provide clues for prevention. The more we learn about what causes brain shrinkage, the more healthy habits we can adopt to keep it healthy and plump as long as possible.

Margaret Cantwell

The vitamin that fights a common contributor of unhealthy aging

Longer lifespans have researchers scrambling for answers on how to keep an aging population healthier. One vitamin has emerged that many experts agree may be useful for several chronic conditions featuring a common denominator afflicting North Americans as we age…

Carolyn Gretton

The scientific reason it really is better to give than receive

Everyone loves giving and getting gifts. But it seems we enjoy gift-giving a bit more. Turns out the old adage “it’s better to give than to receive” is actually true in terms of the response it elicits from your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

Twins help reveal powerful reason diet links to depression

For years, the answer to depression has been drugs that often don’t work and lead to depressing side effects. But an 11-year twin study provides unique insight on food’s strong link to the mood disorder…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The berry boost for a better brain and blood pressure over 65

As you age, you probably tend to worry about the health of two of your most important organs — your brain and your heart. That’s why we’re urged to exercise and eat right. But what if you’re over 65, is it too late? Not for a berry boost…

Joyce Hollman

The risk factors most strongly linked to severe stroke

A mild stroke could be a wake-up call. But a severe stroke changes your life in ways you can’t bounce back from. Before it’s too late, do something about the most important risk linked to severe stroke…