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Brain Health

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Dr. Mark Wiley

Is there a ‘perfect weight’ that prevents migraines?

Sometimes migraines come out of nowhere. Other times, it’s one of a list of many “triggers” that sets them off. Now, research says you can add too much or too little weight to that list. So is there a weight “sweet spot” that can help prevent your migraines?

Jedha Dening

3 common meds that increase your stroke risk

A stroke hits when either oxygen or nutrients carried to the brain are blocked. While most people know that stroke is a serious issue, what is less known is that some commonly prescribed medications can increase your risk of stroke anywhere from 25 percent on up to almost 80 percent.

Jenny Smiechowski

The quickest way to help dementia-causing proteins thrive

Did you know, that ongoing sleep issues increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression? And then there’s the connection between poor sleep and dementia. That one’s a real doozy…

Jenny Smiechowski

Smartphones make you dumb

Remember the days before cell phones? You could eat a meal in peace, catch up with a friend — uninterrupted, and go on vacation without being bombarded by work emails. Those were the good old days. But if you want to power up your brain, you may need to power down your phone…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Mind infusions to supercharge your health

You can use the power of just your mind to propel you into physical health. You won’t do this just sitting on the sofa thinking about it, however… I want to share with you what I’ve found as the best nutrition for your mind and your happiness.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Fix your gut to fix your mood

Although, you may think of anxiety and depression as a problem in your brain, your gut could have just as much if not more of a role. In fact, more and more studies are showing that the health of your gut has a direct impact on your mental health. Here’s how to fix both…


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Natural stress relief that won’t drug you

When it comes to stress relief, most of us need a little help. The problem is, many stress and anxiety-reducing treatments, both conventional and alternative, can also leave you feeling drowsy or fatigued. Time to look into some better mood-boosting options…

Jedha Dening

Have you tried a migraine-relief diet?

Migraines can be painful and for many, even debilitating. If you haven’t considered a diet change as a potential treatment strategy, it’s time you should, starting with these three proven to help…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The breathing trick that helps you remember

Breathing brings life-giving oxygen to your cells. But it does something quite curious as well: it triggers a visceral, emotional and memory-based response on your body — affecting how your brain actually works…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Boost your brain to beat depression

You don’t have to live with your depression, stress and anxiety. And, you don’t have to choose those prescription drugs with questionable effectiveness, chemicals and dangerous side effects. Start here…

Jenny Smiechowski

Better brain health begins in the bedroom

You may think you’re doing everything you can to ward off dementia as you age. But there’s one more lifestyle habit you should adopt ASAP if you want to keep your cognitive health intact… and it takes place in the bedroom.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is Alzheimer’s ‘in the air’?

Alzheimer’s and dementia rates are rising at an alarming pace. And they’re only expected to grow more and more in the years to come… Is there something in the air? The answer is yes. There absolutely is… Alzheimer’s-causing air pollutants.