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Colon Cancer

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Joyce Hollman

Genetic cancer testing: The reason anyone should do it

If you’re male and ovarian cancer runs in your family, you wouldn’t feel you were a target. The same might go for a woman whose father had prostate cancer and brother had colon cancer. But hereditary cancer isn’t that predictable, and testing is cheap…

Joyce Hollman

Why exercise is essential to surviving colon cancer

Exercise is one of the healthiest habits we can practice. You know it protects the heart, but there’s a strong connection between cancer and exercise too. Even following diagnosis, find out why you should start moving as much as possible…

Carolyn Gretton

Food poisoning: How it raises your colon cancer risk

There’s no denying how unpleasant food poisoning caused by salmonella can be. The good news is that the symptoms are usually gone after a few days. But for some, the infection can cause long-term gut problems of the worst kind…

Joyce Hollman

What men who want to avoid colon cancer eat

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer and men tend to have a higher risk than women. Caught early, it’s treatable. That’s what brought a group of scientists to re-examine the power of diet to prevent colon cancer specifically in men.

Joyce Hollman

Limiting protein: A strategy for cancer treatment and prevention

The search for a cure for cancer is proving to be a long-term effort, but experts are honing in on the mechanisms by which cancer cells grow and spread. Nutrition, especially, has often been examined as a possible path for preventing cancer. Now it may also treat it…

Easy Health Options Staff

They used this vitamin to block tumor growth – and it worked

Colon cancer can be especially difficult to eradicate. But help for patients fighting this battle may come from a simple vitamin.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Pomegranate: The fruit fueling cancer-fighting cells

This juicy red fruit is packed with antioxidants and possesses rich levels of a compound found to revive aging and defective mitochondria to help keep muscles stronger longer and extend lifespan. Now its cancer-fighting potential has gotten the attention of the scientific community…

Margaret Cantwell

Why colonoscopies are less effective at finding cancer and saving lives

Colonoscopy was hailed as the procedure that could end colorectal cancer by reducing risk and death as much as 70 percent. But disappointing results from a large trial might make it hard to justify the risk and expense of this form of screening when simpler, less invasive strategies are available.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Foods that raise men’s colorectal cancer risk

It’s a no-brainer that eating anything that barely resembles real food and bears a list of unpronounceable ingredients could be remotely healthy. That’s why these foods contribute to dementia, weight gain and colon cancer. But why is the cancer risk so much higher for men?

Carolyn Gretton

Is E. coli and a bad diet a recipe for colon cancer?

A Western-style diet is linked with a higher risk of colorectal cancer. And separate studies have indicated colorectal cancer could be influenced by a certain type of bacteria. Now, scientists are looking closely at the connection between these two colorectal cancer risk factors…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cutting calories could cut your colon cancer risk

While we used to think of colon cancer as a concern for those middle-aged and older, more people are being diagnosed under the age of 50. And while plenty of research speculates as to why that is, the best is finding ways to keep it from happening to you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What height has to do with colon cancer risk

Doctors have long noticed that taller people tend to develop colorectal cancer more frequently. Sounds odd, but the theory is height correlates to more real estate in organs too. Here are life-saving tips that can help bring those odds down….