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Fats Oils

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Olive oil: The easy antidote for a high-fat diet

We all know that eating greasy, high fat foods, like burgers with fries and a milk shake, aren’t good for us and can lead to health problems, like fatty liver disease. But, what if you could enjoy these foods and still remain healthy?

Carolyn Gretton

Explained: How a high-fat diet fuels anxiety

If you tend to eat when you’re anxious, you probably go straight for your favorite junk foods hoping to feel better. But in reality, you’re fueling a vicious cycle of anxiety that starts in your gut and travels a superhighway to your brain…

Joyce Hollman

The low-fat answer to lung cancer, even for smokers

Diet has long been proven to make a huge difference, not only in matters like weight, but in disease risk. And one component, fat, gets the most attention. No wonder. When your choice of fat can reduce lung cancer risk, even in smokers, that’s a big deal.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why high fat adds up to high Alzheimer’s risk

Studies have connected a diet high in saturated fats with Alzheimer’s. But how these fats harm the brain hasn’t been clear. Now researchers reveal three distinct ways a high-fat diet can damage the brain in a short amount of time. But we wouldn’t tell you this if there wasn’t a way around it…

Carolyn Gretton

Snacks that come with a license to cheat

You might think that if you eat healthy otherwise, splurging on a few snacks a day balances out. It depends. Choose wisely and you’ll carry less fat compared not only to those who snack on the wrong stuff, but also compared to those who don’t snack at all…

Carolyn Gretton

That low-fat dairy advice has more holes than Swiss cheese

Cheese and other whole-fat dairy foods have endured a bad rap for far too long. Considering it’s one of six foods linked to longevity, experts are calling for a re-evaluation of low-fat recommendations and have proof the old advice has more holes than a hefty slice of Swiss cheese.


Jedha Dening

Two kinds of fat your brain needs to reduce stroke risk

Stroke is perhaps the scariest of all vascular conditions. Odds are one in six of us will suffer one at some point. But research says that adding two specific fats to our diets won’t only lower risks for the development of stroke but reduce the severity should one happen…

Carolyn Gretton

The crazy high cancer risk that comes after gallbladder surgery

Few of us give our gallbladders any thought until trouble starts. As a result, gallbladder removal is one of the most common procedures in the United States. So no big deal, right? Wrong. New insights into what happens after the tiny organ is gone highlight a very high risk for kidney cancer.

Margaret Cantwell

Energize your cells to shrink fat—literally

If you struggle with weight issues despite sticking to a reasonably healthy diet and regular exercise routine, it’s time you got in on this little secret. It isn’t your fault. The standard American diet has made you the victim of a tragic nutrient deficiency that could otherwise shrink fat cells.

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising reason your smoothie isn’t that nutritious

If you eat the right foods, you might assume you’re getting the nutrition you need for optimal health. But nutrient absorption can range from 10 to 90 percent. If you make this common smoothie mistake you’re missing out on a bio-active compound science is studying for prevention of cancer, heart disease and more…

Carolyn Gretton

High LDL? Seed oils may help best

When it comes to cholesterol, we need to keep the following balance: high levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, low levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. A great way to do that is through a healthy diet, including healthy fats. If your LDL is making that difficult, reach for these seed oils…

Joyce Hollman

The brain-changing effects of one more fatty, sugary treat

Sugar and fat. These ingredients are the fuel behind diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease. Yet we crave them, so much so that you might even think that sugar hijacks your brain, causing you to eat more and more of it. According to the research, you’d be correct.