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Sugar Sweeteners

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Carolyn Gretton

The 2 worst ultraprocessed foods you should ditch now

Ultraprocessed foods have been associated with bad health and early death. But avoiding them has seemed an impossible task, til now. A 30-year study reveals a starting point: Remove the two worst offenders shown to have the strongest impact on your health…

Carolyn Gretton

The growing blood clot concern over low-calorie sweeteners

The average American consumes almost 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day. And that’s tied to more than 45 serious health problems. No wonder many of us turn to low-calorie sweeteners, like xylitol. But practicing moderation may be safer than risking blood clots…

Joyce Hollman

The hidden sweetener tied to IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance

Artificial sweeteners have a sordid past. Each time a new one is introduced, usually years later we see the detrimental effects. The newest kid on the block is no different: IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance, and you may never know you’re ingesting it…

Carolyn Gretton

Real or artificial: The sweet drinks linked to AFib

Sugar may taste sweet. But its health impacts are anything but. And artificial sweeteners have lots of problems of their own. The best advice? Unless you want to risk AFib and stroke, quench your thirst, not your sweet tooth…

Carolyn Gretton

Snacks that come with a license to cheat

You might think that if you eat healthy otherwise, splurging on a few snacks a day balances out. It depends. Choose wisely and you’ll carry less fat compared not only to those who snack on the wrong stuff, but also compared to those who don’t snack at all…

Joyce Hollman

6 ways to bake heart-healthy holiday sweets

Holiday baking is going into full swing. That means lots of butter and sugar, right? If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that it isn’t the butter that will kill you. It’s the sugar. Here are seven ways to enjoy holiday sweets without heart attack danger…


Joyce Hollman

Long-term use of popular fake sugar increases belly fat

Do you know someone who diets, thinks they’re doing all the right things, but just can’t get rid of the belly fat? Most of us have been there. But what’s maddening is one of the strategies you may have used is the very reason that spare tire won’t go away…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘survival switch’ fructose flips to make us fat

Summer is almost over. And with winter just around the corner, you’ll want to give up the one thing that can make you pack on the pounds like a hibernating bear. And no, it isn’t a stew or casserole that’s the culprit…

Joyce Hollman

Kidney stones: The sweet tooth connection

Sugar. We have a love-hate relationship with the sweet stuff that’s as hard to give up as any vice. But the reasons to do so have been stacking up for years. If kidney stones are your bane, then here’s one more reason to tame your sweet tooth…

Carolyn Gretton

It’s official: Aspartame could cause cancer

Much research has connected artificial sweeteners to not-so-sweet health issues, while health agencies continued to maintain their safety. It’s no wonder we’re confused. Now a recent declaration by a leading global health body has only made things murkier about this possible carcinogen…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘genotoxic’ sweetener that damages your DNA

Artificial sweeteners are just as popular as ever. And it’s really suprising considering the health concerrns that have been raised over the years, including tumors and heart problems. Now we know why one in particular is especially troublesome…

Joyce Hollman

The brain-changing effects of one more fatty, sugary treat

Sugar and fat. These ingredients are the fuel behind diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease. Yet we crave them, so much so that you might even think that sugar hijacks your brain, causing you to eat more and more of it. According to the research, you’d be correct.