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Jenny Smiechowski

The number one anti-aging nutrient is…

At first glance, you’d probably think it’s the least glamorous of nutrients. But don’t let its low-profile fool you. It can do some pretty fabulous things, including keeping you young.

Margaret Cantwell

The great chlorinated chicken debate

The Europeans don’t want anything to do with our food, especially our chlorinated chicken, our hormone-treated beef and our genetically-engineered crops. They’re concerned that it would degrade their food standards. Can you imagine if America had food standards?

Jenny Smiechowski

Top 5 nutrients to fight age-related eye disease

As you age, it seems like your eyes are one of the first body parts to go. Even if you had 20/20 vision your entire life, when you hit middle age you start to see the world differently — and not in a good way!

Margaret Cantwell

The paleo way to eat sugar safely

I admit it, I have a sweet tooth. But I’ve discovered that on the paleo diet I can consume sugar in a way that improves my health, it doesn’t trash it.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

High “sleep index” foods and nutrients help you sleep like a baby

Until recently, science had no answer for why we sleep. Their best guess? Because we get tired. But research has shown us that channels open up in the brain and clear away waste during sleep to help keep our brains healthy. But sleep is often elusive. Here’s how to get more…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Full body acid: What’s eating you?

Diseases like cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. But an acidic body does allow cancer cells to proliferate. Many other diseases, including arthritis, emphysema, and diabetes can begin, progress faster and thrive in an acidic environment.


Jenny Smiechowski

Dangerous diabetes ‘trick’ is failing your kidneys

When you have diabetes, excess sugar in your blood damages the filters your kidneys use to keep wastes and extra fluids out of your blood. Gunk then accumulates in your blood, and makes you sick. Even if you don’t have diabetes, this food has the same effect…

Margaret Cantwell

Fast fix for your body’s energy crisis

We are all facing an energy crisis – a metabolic energy crisis inside our bodies. And if yours isn’t solved you could be facing the even more dangerous complications of energy-sapping diabetes, heart disease, even cancer…

Craig Cooper

Should we be eating like cavemen?

Let’s not romanticize the cavemen: They lived incredibly difficult, short, arduous lives, and they basically ate anything they could get their grubby hands on — including, as some anthropologists have pointed out, grains of various kinds.

Jenny Smiechowski

Bravo for the brassica that decreases liver cancer

You probably already know that most Americans eat excessive amounts of sugar and saturated fat and not enough vegetables. A diet like this tends to overload your liver and lead to fatty liver or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and, eventually, liver cancer.

Margaret Cantwell

The paleo diet’s answer for perfect digestion

Before I went on the paleo diet, my digestive system never did its job without complaint. Constipation, diarrhea, stomach pains and bloating were near-constant companions. Until I forswore the problem foods in my diet, the aftermath of many of my meals were torment.

Margaret Cantwell

Can this food lead to lung cancer?

Have you ever wondered why non-smokers get lung cancer. Well, there’s some research that shows it could have a lot to do with diet, carbs and insulin…