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Carolyn Gretton

8 proven benefits you only get from extra-virgin olive oil

After decades of research proving the many health benefits of olive oil, we’ve gotten the message. But it may be a little cloudy. To lower risk of heart and cognitive problems, cancer and risk of death with a spoonful a day or two, only one olive oil stands out…

Joyce Hollman

The cruciferous compound that keeps fatty liver from advancing

Many people with fatty liver disease live a fairly normal life. But almost a third go on to develop an advanced form of liver disease, and experts have not understood why, until they made the connection to a key protective mechanism…

Carolyn Gretton

How to support your longevity organ

While it’s true that genetics can play a role in enjoying life to 100, study after study proves your genes are not your destiny. There’s one factor that may give you a major leg up in your quest to live long and healthy — and it focuses on one specific organ…

Joyce Hollman

3 spices that tackled A1C, fasting glucose, insulin and won

Spices are at the top of the ORAC scale. That means they have exceptional anitoxidant capacity to keep oxidative stress from ruining our health. And when it comes to type 2 diabetes, three really stand out against three threats to your glycemic profile…

Carolyn Gretton

ACV: From ancient remedy to social media sensation

Social Media’s favorite new health fad, apple cider vinegar, is actually thousands of years old. But it’s experiencing a resurgence for its potential in treating some modern ailments that have grown in prevalence over the past several years…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that slowed aging and reduced dementia risk

Diet is the foundation of heart and metabolic health. But for dementia, the focus has been on how specific nutrients affect the brain. Now decades of research tells us slowing the body’s pace of aging should be part of the strategy, and the diet that does it…


Carolyn Gretton

Healthier ‘made with real fruit’ products to reach for in a crunch

Most of us still aren’t eating enough fruit. That’s why in a crunch you may reach for a “made with real fruit” alternative. But how much fruit is really there is anyone’s guess. The only thing for sure is the added sugars. Here’s how to tell the good from the bad choices…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that helps keep cancer from coming back

There’s just something about the world’s most popular beverage. And this time it’s too good to pass up, especially if you’re a colon cancer survivor or just looking for that special ingredient to live your longest best life…

Carolyn Gretton

The unique way polyphenols improve heart and brain health

Polyphenols may keep cardiovascular and neurodegenerative conditions at bay, but how they do what they do in the body has been a mystery, until now. Researchers have nailed it down and provided a nice list of benefits you don’t want to miss out on and the foods that supply them.

Joyce Hollman

Eggs’ bad rap cheats those who need their benefits most

For far too long, too many misconceptions about eating eggs have had us second-guessing: Are eggs good for us or as bad as they say? Fortunately, attitudes are changing and research like the latest shows giving up eggs can lead to cracks in your health when you need them most…

Joyce Hollman

Why the red meat-colon cancer link is higher for some

The colon is the last stop in your digestive system, so it stands to reason that food can significantly impact the risk of colon cancer, especially red and processed meats. But new research shows why that risk is even higher for some of us, and how we can take it down…

Joyce Hollman

9 natural allergy remedies that won’t put you to sleep

For most allergy sufferers, spring can be absolutely miserable. If you’re tired of antihistamines that put you to sleep, give these natural allergy remedies a go, and watch out for the dehydration factor that can make your symptoms worse…