Cholesterol drug boosts your diabetes risk 50%

Statins are the most commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering medication.

Since they came on the market in the 80s, the rate at which they are prescribed has increased 10-fold.

Statin’s claim to fame is their efficacy for heart attack reduction and their overall safety as a medication — so they say…

Truth be told, this statin-centric, cholesterol-lowering approach is nothing more than a deeply embedded medical myth. All based on one powerful driver — Big Pharma’s trillion-dollar industry…

It’s come to light that over the years clinical trials have contained strong bias and failed to report accurate effect rates and adverse events. In fact, scientific reviews have revealed that statins do not lead to a lower rate of heart attack or mortality, which is the main reason they are so readily prescribed.

Instead, there’s some indication they might be a prescription for disease… They also rob your brain of a much-needed nutrient.

Now a new study connects statin usage in older women with increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes…

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Statins and increased diabetes risk in women

Out of more than 8,000 women around 70 years of age, a 10 year follow up showed that 40.9 percent of women ended up being prescribed statin medications, which subsequently led to a 33 percent increased risk of developing diabetes.

The researchers concluded that all it took was 5 years of exposure to statins to produce this heightened risk profile. And if the dose of statins were to increase (which is common over a 5-10 year period), the rate of diabetes risk increased along with it — driving up risk of new-onset diabetes to 51 percent.

Since there are no obvious symptoms of high blood sugar (the tell-tale sign of diabetes), if you’re an older woman taking statins, it’s recommended you have your blood sugar monitored regularly.

And perhaps you could even consider eliminating the meds — by seeking the help of a more open-minded physician.

If you’re not yet prescribed, don’t head down the rocky statin track at all — one of the best ways to lower cholesterol naturally is to make a few easy dietary changes…

Foods for healthier cholesterol levels

Increase these foods:

  • Omega-3 fats. Dietary sources include salmon, sardines, tuna, chia seeds and flax seeds.
  • Soluble fiber. Good sources include artichoke, asparagus, winter squash, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onion, carrots, beans, legumes, blueberries and nuts.
  • Olive and coconut oil. Healthy fats that increase HDL (the good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (the bad cholesterol).
  • Garlic and onions. These vegetables pull double duty to help your heart, providing sulphur-containing compounds that cleanse the arteries.
  • Herbs. Include generous portions of basil, rosemary, parsley, thyme, oregano, cardamom, cinnamon and turmeric.
  • Fresh vegetables. Full of bioavailable nutrients they decrease inflammation and support organs and cells to function better.

Decrease these foods:

  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates. These increase inflammation and stimulate liver production of cholesterol.
  • Alcohol. Limit to one drink per day, otherwise it stimulates cholesterol production.
  • Hydrogenated fats. Found in processed foods and derived from vegetable oils such as peanut, soy, grape seed, cotton and sunflower.
  • Trans fats. Found in processed foods, even small trace amounts cause harm.
  • Processed foods. These are often filled with low quality ingredients that increase inflammation and cholesterol production.

Editor’s note: Scientists discovered that glial cells in your brain actually make cholesterol to help your neurons create connections with one another. Your ability to think, form memories and learn — and yes, ALL of your mental functions — are dependent on this process happening smoothly. However, statin drugs harm your glial cells and hinder cholesterol production. To learn more about the statin danger to your brain, click here!


  1. Jones M, et al. New-Onset Diabetes After Statin Exposure in Elderly Women: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Drugs & Aging. 2017;34(3):203–209.
  2. (2013). Retrieved 19 March, 2017, from
  3. (2017). Retrieved 19 March, 2017, from
  4. DuBroff R, et al. Cholesterol confusion and statin controversy. World J Cardiol. 2015;7(7):404–409.
Jedha Dening

By Jedha Dening

Jedha Dening is a qualified nutritionist (MNutr), researcher, author, freelance writer, and founder of type 2 diabetic nutrition site Diabetes Meal Plans. Her masters thesis on nutrition and inflammation was published and then presented at a national scientific conference. She has millions of words published in the health industry across various print and online publications. Having been in the field for over 15 years, she’s incredibly passionate about delving into the latest research to share the myths and truths surrounding nutrition and health. She believes when armed with the right knowledge, we’re empowered to make informed choices that can truly make a difference.