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Raspberry: A cancer-fighting, fat-busting, anti-aging berry

Certain foods work overtime for your health — they help you lose weight, fight disease, keep you young and help you stay mobile. These hardworking foods are the ones you want to add to your grocery list ASAP.
And there’s one in particular you should put at the very top of your list — the raspberry.
Two new studies published in the Journal of Berry Research suggest that raspberries could do two tremendous things for your health. They could help you lose weight (even if you’re eating a bit too much calories and sugar). And they could give you better coordination, balance, muscle tone, strength and stamina.
The first study conducted by researchers at Oregon State University found that rats who ate a high-sugar, high-calorie diet still lost weight as long as they also ate raspberry juice concentrate, raspberry puree concentrate, raspberry fruit powder, raspberry seed extract or raspberry ketone.
The second study conducted by researchers at Tufts University found that rats experienced an improvement in motor skills like coordination and balance and had better muscle tone, strength and stamina after eating freeze-dried red raspberry extract for 10 weeks.
Those sound like benefits we could all use… especially as we get older. But they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Raspberries can also:
- Reduce wrinkles
- Improve your vision and prevent age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration
- Boost your immune system and help your body fight infections
- Balance your hormones (especially if you’re a woman)
- Fight cancer
The last one on the list is probably the raspberry’s best benefit to date — raspberries are a potent cancer-fighter. And there’s a mountain of evidence to prove it. Studies conducted by researchers at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina found that red raspberries can kill cancer cells. And studies have shown that black raspberries can stop the growth of oral, esophageal, colon, breast and skin cancer.
Why does this little berry have such a powerful effect on cancer? Well, for starters it has an extremely high concentration of antioxidants. Red raspberries also contain ellagic acid, an anti-cancer compound that’s been shown to fight colon, esophageal, liver, lung, tongue and skin cancer. And they contain quercetin, a flavanol that fights skin, colon and breast cancer.
On top of all that, raspberries are chock full of minerals and nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron and tons of fiber.
With these kind of benefits, it’s no surprise that you can find raspberry supplements in all shapes and sizes. Raspberry ketones have been turned into a weight loss supplement. Red raspberry oil is marketed as a natural sunscreen and anti-aging solution for your skin. Red raspberry leaf supplements are used to help with digestion and promote hormonal balance in women. But of all your options, your best bet is to go to the store and purchase a carton of whole, fresh raspberries. They taste better, and studies have shown eating real raspberries is a more effective healthy remedy than taking individual raspberry compounds in a supplement.
Editor’s note: Natural cancer remedies exist in nature. But the sad truth is, conventional medicine would prefer you never learn of them. Dr. Michael Cutler reveals how to escape their outdated and useless treatments and drugs — and lists dozens of the best vitamins, supplements and alternative methods to prevent and treat cancer in his comprehensive guide, Surviving Cancer! To get your copy today — plus 3 FREE reports — click here!
Luo, et al. “Development of obesity is reduced in high-fat fed mice fed whole raspberries, raspberry juice concentrate, and a combination of the raspberry phytochemicals ellagic acid and raspberry ketone.” Journal of Berry Research. Volume 6, issue 2: 213-223.
Galli, et al. “Red raspberries can improve motor function in aged rats. Journal of Berry Research. Volume 6, issue 2: 97-103.”
“Red Raspberries.” Berry Benefits Network- Oregon State University. Retrieved October 6, 2016.
“Health Benefits of Raspberries.” Organic Facts. Retrieved October 6, 2016.
God, et al. “Red raspberries have antioxidant effects that play a minor role in the killing of stomach and colon cancer cells.” Nutrition Research, 2010 Nov;30(11):777-82.
A. Kresty, et al. “Black raspberries in cancer clinical trials: Past, present and future.” Journal of Berry Research, 2016;6(2):251-261.