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Keep cancer from sprouting

If you want to get the most health benefits for your buck, you may want to try a new approach to eating your vegetables. Rather than eating fully-grown broccoli or radishes like most people do, try something different—eat them when they’ve just sprouted from seeds.
Now, you may be wondering why you would want to eat vegetables that haven’t finished growing yet. And the answer is simple…
Because the nutritional content of vegetable sprouts is out of this world. Did you know, for example, that some sprouts contain 20 times more vitamins than their full-formed counterparts?
Sprouts also pack a more powerful punch against cancer. Just look at broccoli sprouts —they contain 20 to 50 times the amount of cancer-fighting compounds as a mature broccoli plant.
That’s probably why doctors in ancient China prescribed sprouts for a long list of health issues over 5,000 years ago. They knew even back then that these baby plants had something special. And they were right. Sprouts also have:
- 100 times more enzymes than full-grown vegetables
- More fatty acids and fiber
- Nutrients and protein that are easier for your body to use.
It’s no wonder, then, that sprouts are powerful diseases-fighters that have been shown to help with digestive problems, anemia, heart health, asthma, weight loss and immune health, among other things.
But do you know what sprouts are best known for? Their ability to keep cancer from sprouting in your body. Cancer prevention is probably the single best reasons to add these baby vegetables to your daily diet. And if you do, you should start with a few proven cancer-fighters:
- Broccoli sprouts are chock-full of sulforaphane, a compound which has been shown time and time again to have anti-cancer properties. A 2009 study showed that the sulforaphane from broccoli has an antibiotic effect that kills the gut bacteria H. pylori, which has been linked to stomach cancer. Broccoli sprout extract itself has been shown to fight bladder, breast, lung, skin, oral and stomach cancer in scientific studies.
- Mung bean sprouts. A 2006 study showed that a compound in mung bean sprouts kills human tumor cells.
- Radish, alfalfa and clover sprouts. A 2004 study found that eating just over 100 grams of sprouts per day can protect you from DNA damage. DNA damage puts you at a higher risk for cancer, so you’ll want to eat up. In the study, researchers used a mixture of radish, alfalfa, clover and broccoli sprouts.
Now, you can buy most of these sprouts from the store. But if you have a green thumb, you can also grow them yourself in the comfort of your own home. If you’re interested in becoming a DIY sprouter, here are some instructions to help get your sprouting adventure started.
Editor’s note: Natural cancer remedies exist in nature. But the sad truth is, mainstream medicine would prefer you never learn of them. Dr. Michael Cutler reveals how to escape their outdated and useless treatments and drugs — and lists dozens of the best vitamins, supplements and alternative methods to prevent and treat cancer in his comprehensive guide, Surviving Cancer! To get your copy today — plus 3 FREE reports — click here!
“Great Reasons to Eat More Sprouts.” Retrieved October 14, 2016.
“A Nibble of Prevention.” John Hopkins Magazine. Retrieved October 14, 2016.
“Sprout History.” The International Sprout Growers Association. Retrieved October 14, 2016.
“Health Benefits of Sprouts.” Organic Facts. Retrieved October 14, 2016.
“Baby broccoli ‘controls gut bug.’” BBC News. Retrieved October 14, 2016.
Soucek, et al. “Mung bean sprout (Phaseolus aureus) nuclease and its biological and antitumor effects.” Neoplasma, 2006;53(5):402-9.
University Of Ulster. “Super Sprouts Could Help Reduce Cancer Risk.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 June 2004.
“How to Grow Sprouts Using the Jar Method.” Snapguide. Retrieved October 14, 2016.