
Carolyn Gretton

The beverage that helps prevent calcified arteries

We’ve known for some time that coffee and green tea are exeptional health-promoting beverages. But you may be less aware of the significant heart protection another common drink offers. Researchers have discovered a daily cup can protect against this indicator of heart attack and stroke…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Busting the myths about screentime, blue light and sleep

You’ve probably heard all the warnings about cutting down on screentime at bedtime to avoid blue light, especially if you hope to get a good night’s sleep. Not so fast. It turns out you can have your iPad, phone or TV, and your sleep too if you just follow a few simple rules…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Acai: Miracle of wellness

Acai is reported to be a miracle fruit that can work wonders for arthritis, cholesterol, obesity, heart health, digestion, energy, erectile dysfunction, inflammation, detoxification, diabetes, allergies, bloating, muscle cramps and oxidative stress. But how can one fruit do all that?

Joyce Hollman

3 ways red wine compounds promote a healthy mouth

Decades of research confirms compounds found in red grapes are heart-healthy, good for your skin and may even deter diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Now it appears they may be why a glass of merlot can offer oral health benefits for preventing cavities and gum disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fight colds and cancer with camu camu

Need an edge this cold and flu season? It’s time you discovered the berry with up to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange, and enough potassium, calcium, protein, beta-carotene, amino acids and antioxidants to support your heart, liver, eyes and more.

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising effects of antioxidants on insulin resistance and metformin

The best way to combat damage from oxidative stress is with antioxidants. These powerful nutrients strike a balance against the perils of aging and inflammation that can destroy health. Now we’ve learned they can defend against a mechanism of metabolic disease that leads to insulin resistance…