Big Pharma

Joyce Hollman

Don’t fall victim to Big Pharma’s promotional scare tactics

You know how drug commercials rattle off dangerous side effects so fast there’s no way to get it all? Well, drug companies have found a new way to get around the law requiring them to disclose that information. Here’s what to watch for so you don’t get tricked…

Joyce Hollman

How the FDA is sneaking your vitamins out the ‘back door’ for drug profits

It’s no secret that the FDA has an alliance with major drug companies. But did you know that there’s a secret “back door” to the FDA that is allowing drug companies to remove natural supplements from the market for sole use in their drugs? Here’s how it’s happened right under our noses…

Joyce Hollman

When urgent care gives you the wrong medicine

As much as 50 percent of the antibiotics prescribed by doctors’ offices and hospitals are unnecessary, and it’s a big problem that leads to antibiotic resistance. But there’s one place doling out antibiotics at almost triple the rate of other healthcare providers…

Joyce Hollman

Are you taking an ‘approved’ drug that could kill you?

How is it that the FDA approves virtually untested drugs, while at the same time does everything in its power to block you from taking advantage of safe, natural alternatives? It’s a double standard that resulted in hundreds of deaths from this one drug…

Joyce Hollman

Analysts admit the greed behind the machine: Cures are bad business

When you’re in business to sell a product, your main objective is to make money. Nothing wrong with that, right? But what if you’re selling cures for life-threatening diseases? Then you have a bit of a dilemma. Because the more product you sell, the fewer customers you have…

Joyce Hollman

Clinical trials: Deception, greed and danger

Clinical trials are conducted to determine whether a drug works, whether it is safe, and what possible side effects it carries. But who is deciding what “safe” is? Who’s really controlling whether we suffer devastating side effects, or take ineffective medications at high cost?