Digestive Support

Virginia Tims-Lawson

What coffee can do about digestion, gallstones and your liver

Research is proving that coffee has more perks than ever previously thought. But there’s one negative holdover: Many people think coffee increases their intestinal problems, when that’s just not the case. A review of 194 research publications shows exactly what we mean…

Easy Health Options Staff

Why poor sleep causes heartburn (and vice versa)

We all need a good night’s sleep. That’s a gut feeling for most people. But sometimes discomfort within the gut is what hurts our ability to get deep, restful sleep. To make matters worse, it tuns out the process can occur in reverse: Sleep disorders are believed to trigger the stomach, too…

William Davis

What causes Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut is hotly debated within the medical community. While opinions may differ on what it is, causes and treatments, all sides agree irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, bloating and GERD are on the rise. Worse, the effects of leaky gut can lead to chronic illness if you don’t address it before the damage spreads from your gut throughout your entire body.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Enzymes: The safer, healthier choice for digestive upset

From gas and bloating to abdominal pain, heartburn and diarrhea, surveys show that 74 percent of Americans are living with digestive problems. If you’re one of them, you may have wondered about digestive enzymes and why you need them. Here are the answers to your questions, and the relief you need.

Joyce Hollman

The juice that keeps stomach cancer from sneaking up on you

People with stomach cancer (gastric cancer) often don’t show symptoms until the disease has reached advanced stages. The common bacterium H. pylori causes stomach cancer, but even if you carry this germ in your digestive tract, your diet can help keep you from falling victim, especially if you’re a fan of cranberry juice…

Jenny Smiechowski

Antibiotics double your risk of inflammatory bowel disease

Research shows that about 1 in 10 people deal with negative effects after taking antibiotics. This could include anything from chronic diarrhea to the sudden appearance of allergies to issues with blood sugar. But of all the potential impacts antibiotics can have on your health, there’s one that’s starting to appear more common — and more serious — than all the others…