
Amanda Luft

Which is better at preventing the spread of the flu virus: Hand sanitizer or handwashing?

Some people swear hand sanitizer is far superior to plain old soap, while others wouldn’t trust a bottle of that goo as far as they could throw it. The debate may still go on, but at least when it comes to reducing the spread of the flu virus, recent research shows there’s a clear winner…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How probiotics can protect you during flu season

Flu season is just around the corner and you know what that means, right? Soon everyone around you is going to be coughing, sneezing and spreading those virulent germs. Not at my house — if I can help it! We’ve already amped up immune-boosting efforts, starting with some essential immune-boosting supplements…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The berry with double the flu-fighting power

Flu season is just around the corner. In fact, the fall and winter months are the illness’ playground. So, if you want to avoid the days of misery, stuck in bed, sneezing, coughing, body aches and everything else that goes with it, the time to start preparing to fight it off is now. And, I’ve got good news for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How antibiotics now may affect you next flu season

Summer is almost over. And, while the fall brings a lot to look forward to from cooler days, the vibrant colors of changing leaves, and holidays with pretty decorations and even pumpkin pie, it also brings with it a reason to be worried…

Jenny Smiechowski

The little berry that offers big protection against the spring flu

The flu’s breaking records this year. Not because it’s more severe. Or because it’s causing more deaths. It’s just lasting super long. That means, if you haven’t gotten it yet, the threat is still very real. If I were you I’d stock up on the berry with phytochemicals that effectively stopped the flu virus from infecting cells…

Jenny Smiechowski

This immune-suppressing food additive makes fighting viruses harder

You may already have some tricks up your sleeve for avoiding flu this spring and beyond. Maybe you get the flu vaccine every year, take special herbs or pump yourself full of vitamin C. But whatever you do to keep yourself safe from the flu, I have a flu-fighting tip I guarantee you’ve never heard before…