Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Purple tomato boosted with 10x the cancer-fighting antioxidants

A purple cancer-fighting tomato is making headlines. Its beautiful hue is the result of antioxidant pigments naturally found in berries which exert powerful benefits by mopping up dangerous free radicals. But are GMO antioxidants any better than organic ones?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why are tomatoes being genetically modified with vitamin D?

In this day and age, it’s hard to believe a vitamin deficiency could be at the root of many of the significant health problems we face. But more and more research says it is, from heart problems, to autoimmune disease and even Alzeimer’s. But is the answer in tomatoes?

Jenny Smiechowski

Be wary of the weedkiller raising cancer risk 41 percent

After conducting a comprehensive review of the existing science on glyphosate exposure and cancer, researchers came to a startling conclusion… There’s a clear connection between glyphosate and at least one type of cancer. And the risk is much higher than ever thought before.

Joyce Hollman

What’s new? Cancer-fighting eggs produced from hens with human genes

Right now when we speak of genetically modified foods in the U.S., we’re talking crops — not animals. Changing the DNA in animals meant for the table, or animals that produce food for your table, like eggs, is new territory. But what about using them for medicine?

Joyce Hollman

The pretty potatoes that can lead to hypertension and diabetes

Genetically modified foods, designed to tolerate the carcinogenic pesticide Roundup, are pretty scary. But if you think the genetic engineering threat to your food stops there, you could be dead wrong. Especially if you enjoy potatoes…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

If clean eating won’t save you from glyphosate, what will?

Glyphosate is the world’s most common herbicide. Recently, it was classified as a probable carcinogen, in addition to being linked to other serious health conditions. And it accumulates in your body…