DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

Dangerous pharmacy slip-ups that could kill

In the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” young George Bailey stops the town pharmacist, who is distraught over the death of his son, from mislabeling a prescription in a way that would have had lethal consequences. Today, things are not that personal, and human error is rampant…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Using magnets to relieve chronic pain

Have you ever seen those bracelets with magnets that are touted to help arthritis pain and wondered, “Do they really work or are they just a scam?” Well, it turns out there’s real science behind the use of magnets when it comes to overcoming chronic pain…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why taking vacation helps you live longer

The things you do to live a longer, healthier life aren’t usually fun… like exercising daily, cutting down on sweets and giving up alcohol. But healthy living isn’t always a bummer. In fact, this one way to lengthen your lifespan requires no “work” and loads of fun…

Joyce Hollman

Boswellia: Nature’s answer from inflammation to cancer

Boswellia serrata, a tree that is native to India, has long been used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine to control arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Lots of research has shown that it’s a safe, natural substitute for dangerous NSAIDs, but that’s not all…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to save your brain in 2 minutes

When you sit, your heart doesn’t beat fast and your blood doesn’t pump as quickly. This adds up to less oxygen and nutrients flowing to your brain to help you stay sharp, focused and to preserve your memory and cognitive function as you age. You can fix that in just 2 minutes…

Joyce Hollman

Watch out for this kind of ‘invisible’ heart attack

The symptoms of a silent heart attack can be similar to those you’re familiar with. But blood tests will show no signs of heart damage. There will be no signs of arterial blockage, and an EKG will look nothing like it does in a traditional heart attack. Until…