Nitric Oxide

Carolyn Gretton

A single molecule may drive cognitive decline and aging

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that there’s no one magic bullet when it comes to health. But there are a few things that come close. One of those is a Nobel Prize-winning molecule we produce less of with age. Scientists believe that’s a big problem for our brains…

Jedha Dening

For lowest BP, eat your beets this way

Beets are a root vegetable we love for their bright purple flesh and pleasing sweet flavor. And if you’ve beat around the bush for a while, you might be aware that beets help your body produce a heart-healthy compound called nitric oxide. Here’s how to get the most of it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why summer heat is hard on your heart and how to keep cool

If you have heart problems, it’s important to understand how heat can compound your risks. When your body tries to cool down, the process stresses the heart in several ways, But you can still enjoy summer, keep your cool and stay safe with these tips…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Watermelon for better blood pressure and blood sugar

Research published in the journal Current Atherosclerosis Reports took into account decades of data on the health effects of watermelon. What did they find? Eating watermelon could be one of the best things you do for your blood pressure and blood sugar…

Carolyn Gretton

4 ways mouth breathing wrecks your health

Do you often wake up in a puddle of drool? Is your mouth drier than the Mojave desert in the morning? These are annoying signs of a common issue that can impact your health far more seriously than you ever dreamed. From bad teeth to low oxygen, mouth breathing takes a toll…

Carolyn Gretton

‘Miracle’ molecule may speed diabetic foot ulcer healing

Because it’s increasingly common, it’s easy to forget just how insidious diabetes is. It can tear the body down — from your heart to your limbs. But new technology may harness a naturally occurring molecule to speed the healing of at least one common but dangerous complication…