Nutritional Supplements

Jenny Smiechowski

What you need to know about glucosamine, arthritis and allergies

Depending on who you talk to, glucosamine is either the must-have supplement for arthritis… or a potentially dangerous supplement that barely works. So, what’s the deal? Should you keep (or start) taking it for your arthritis? Here’s what you need to know about how glucosamine impacts your joints and your health…

Joyce Hollman

The heart attack common denominator that’s bigger than cholesterol

While one in 31 American women dies from breast cancer each year, heart disease is the real threat, killing one out of every three of us. We associate fatal coronary heart disease with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blocked arteries. But there’s another factor we’ve known about for years that’s taken a back seat…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 Supplements to ward off all that winter throws at you

When winter rolls around, in addition to stocking up our medicine cabinet, I stock up our vitamin cabinet with supplements that get us through the season happier and healthier — and hopefully unscathed. Here are our five ‘can’t be without’ supplements for winter…

Joyce Hollman

CoQ10: The ‘magic bullet’ for a healthy energetic life

Of all the vitamins and minerals, there’s one that seems to hold the key to aging well. In fact, low levels of this nutrient have been linked to heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes and cancer. No, this time it’s NOT vitamin D, but it can help make healthy aging a snap…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

4 supplements to protect your heart health this winter (and beyond)

It’s the perfect time to think about supporting your heart health to live longer and better. That’s because winter can be particularly harsh on your heart. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of heart-protective nutrients that can put your mind at ease while your heart keeps ticking away…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sugar ruins your gut surprisingly fast — but there’s an antidote

Thanks to all the sweet treats that go hand-in-hand with social gatherings, I have no doubt that I eat more sugar during the holidays than in the previous six months combined. But eating a high-sugar diet for even a short amount of time can result in shockingly fast health problems…