Nutritional Supplements

Joyce Hollman

5 amazing health secrets of olive leaf extract

The health promoting benefits don’t stop with the oil that comes from this tasty fruit of the olive tree. In fact, the leaf of the olive tree contains a wealth of powerful health agents that lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and even lower the risk of cancer.

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The benefits of B12 you need to know now

The benefits of B12 are real. But to be fair, many vitamins and supplements have benefits that rival the manufactured, high-price tagged drug options. Not only can you feel better with adequate B12, but it also helps tone down the highly inflammatory metabolite, homocysteine. Here’s why it’s a big deal…

Easy Health Options Staff

5 ways melatonin fights aging (besides better sleep)

Melatonin is an insomniac’s dream. But there are even more great reasons to supplement with melatonin: It just may be the single most powerful anti-aging supplement you can take.

Jenny Smiechowski

The popular joint supplement with hidden heart benefits (and more!)

If you’ve ever struggled with stiff, achy joints, you’ve probably tried glucosamine supplements. They’re by far the most popular joint supplement around… If you’re dealing with your joint condition in other ways, you’re missing out. This supplement has more major benefits than you can shake a stick at…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What to eat for better skin

When I ask my patients what goal they have for their health, most say they want to feel — and look — better. People who feel better naturally look better. But are there foods you should be consuming to directly improve the appearance of your skin? The answer is… yes!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Medicinal mint’s ancient healing secrets decoded in the lab

Have you ever noticed that the second scientists discover that a natural substance like an herb or plant can help promote better health or fight disease, they immediately begin using it to design a drug that pharmaceutical companies can sell for a ridiculously high profit?