Nutritional Supplements

Jenny Smiechowski

Get calorie restriction’s anti-aging benefits without the hunger

Calorie restriction appears to extend lifespan and fight aging. But despite these benefits, it isn’t for everyone. If you’re hungry to stay young without starving, I may have an alternative for you. There’s a supplement that could provide the benefits of calorie restriction without the hassle or hunger…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The neglected nutrient that guards against causes of early death

One supplement I take religiously is omega-3. As far as I’m concerned it’s one of the single most important nutrients you can get in your daily diet. But one I’ve neglected has just been proven vital if you want to live as long as possible and reduce your risk of premature death…

Janine Einhellig

Why collagen is superior to other protein powders

Protein powders are becoming a popular answer for fitness, wellness and weight loss goals. However, not all protein powders have equal health benefits. Certain types of proteins can be important in preventing premature aging, building muscle, and other specific health goals…

Margaret Cantwell

Seniors beware: They’re coming for your supplements

Medical types are claiming there’s no reason for seniors to supplement their nutrition with vitamins or minerals. In a perfect world, I might agree. But before your doctor takes your supplements from you, there are a few things you might want to understand about the current state of nutrition…

Jenny Smiechowski

The deep-sea supplement that restores youthful stamina

Exercise makes you younger on a cellular level. If you stop because it gets harder with age, you create a vicious cycle of aging. You’ve got to plow through the pain in the name of a more youthful body and brain. And this supplement can help make exercise easier at any age…

Joyce Hollman

10 depression-fighting vitamins and minerals

There’s an intimate connection between food and mood. And, depending upon your age, one nutrient group or another may become more crucial to health. However, the following 10 nutrients are proven mood-boosters for anyone of any age…