
Jedha Dening

For lowest BP, eat your beets this way

Beets are a root vegetable we love for their bright purple flesh and pleasing sweet flavor. And if you’ve beat around the bush for a while, you might be aware that beets help your body produce a heart-healthy compound called nitric oxide. Here’s how to get the most of it…

Joyce Hollman

5 ‘magic’ seeds to snack on every day

In some case, the smallest part of a plant contains the most powerful nutrition… Here are five seeds in particular that you should know about. Because these tiny powerhouses are so packed with goodness — they could actually help you live longer and healthier!

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that gets most glyphosate out of your body in just 6 days

Dozens of pesticides are used on our food, many of which have been linked to hormone disruption, neurological problems, immune system issues and more. Luckily, recent research shows that you can clear as much as 60 percent of them from your system in under a week with the right foods…

Joyce Hollman

6 unusual fall picks that pack big taste and nutrition

Autumn is harvest time. That means a variety of veggies and fruits are available now and bursting not only flavor, but health-boosting nutrients. It’s time to get adventurous and “wow” your taste buds. Here are six you might not have tried before…

Margaret Cantwell

8 Chemopreventive foods: The future of cancer therapy

Have you heard of chemopreventive agents? They can be synthetic (like pharmaceuticals) or natural compounds, like those found in foods. They help fight cancer by putting a big kink in cancer’s molecular pathway. Here are the strongest contenders to put to work…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 fake estrogens that ruin your sex drive and cause man boobs

There’s no reason to let your manhood be stolen out from under you, Let’s take a look at the most common dietary sources of fake estrogen men encounter in their everyday lives — and what to do about them…