
Carolyn Gretton

Could the key to good sleep start in your gut?

Everyone has trouble sleeping occasionally, with the most common causes being stress, anxiety and depression, neurological problems and pain. But there’s another group of middlemen that can make sleep tough, and they reside in a surprising part of your body…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Forgetting fiber over the holidays could do some lasting damage

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, we’re allowed to splurge. But two studies demonstrate the damage that does even in the short-term to your colon, weight, blood sugar, cholesterol and more. So, enjoy the goodies but don’t forget the one nutrient they said could make all merry and bright again…

Joyce Hollman

Fermented foods and fiber: A recipe for less stress

We all experience stress from time to time. Next time you’re feeling like you need a better way to manage it, try food before turning to medications. Researchers may have found the best recipe for less stress…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your microbiome helps or hurts weight loss

When you think about losing weight, chances are you think about your gut, the one that’s central in the battle of the bulge. But you might be focusing on the wrong gut. Research has found a surprising reason there that explains when you and your friend follow the same diet, only one of you loses weight.

Carolyn Gretton

This could be why your blood pressure medicine isn’t working

About 20 percent of people with high blood pressure are resistant to treatment, leaving them vulnerable to heart attack and stroke, Researchers have been trying to get to the bottom of why medications don’t work well for these patients. And they’ve found a surprising reason…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The new fountain of youth: Fecal transplants

One of the most promising fields of anti-aging research is fecal transplants. Sounds gross, but amazing things happened when old mice were transplanted with poop from young mice. How far would you go to turn back the clock? Luckily, you don’t have to go quite this far, but it’s where you should start…