Vitamin D

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘d’eeper problem behind age-related muscle weakness

Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality associated with aging. But have you heard of dynapenia? If you want to keep fraily, falls and decline out of your future, you need to understand how deep age-related muscle loss goes.

Joyce Hollman

Is your thyroid OK? Check your feet

Low thyroid function is common in women over 60, but it’s often dismissed as menopausal depression and fatigue. If you’ve not been feeling like yourself and suspect something’s off, check your feet for these telltale signs…

Easy Health Options Staff

This vitamin gets sucked from your body when you soak up the sun

Sensibly soaking up the sun is a good way to boost your vitamin D. But research shows that while you’re soaking up the sun, the sun is soaking up your stores of another very important vitamin — one that can help your body fend off some pretty nasty illnesses and chronic conditions…

Joyce Hollman

More research says vitamin D deficiency can cut life short

The take-home message is simple: vitamin D plays a vital role in human health. Without sufficient levels, you’re selling yourself and your life short. New findings bring home the urgency about preventing early death and a new disease connection…

Carolyn Gretton

The mood switch in our brains activated by daylight

There’s no denying the seasons influence our state of mind. It’s easier to be in a good mood when the days are long and warm, but much harder during the short, dark days of winter, when some of us face seasonal affective disorder. Why does the light affect our moods and can we overcome it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 signs a vitamin D deficiency is dragging you down

It’s estimated that a whopping 42 percent of people are vitamin D deficient. Unless you get blood work regularly to monitor your levels, you may never know you’re lacking in this important vitamin until you start experiencing symptoms. Let’s take a look at seven sneaky signs you should be on the lookout for…