Big Pharma

Joyce Hollman

The safe, effective quit-smoking pill Americans can’t get

It’s the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing close to half a million people each year. The good news is a safe and highly effective quit-smoking pill is available. But Big Pharma greed is keeping Americans from ever using it.…

Margaret Cantwell

Are statins the answer to beating cancer?

Research is suggesting that statins may provide an edge over cancer. But are statins wonder drugs? 40 million Americans take them every day, but heart disease is still winning. 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. Not to mention the other associated disease risks. Will conquering cancer make this drug shine?

Joyce Hollman

What’s behind skyrocketing drug prices and 7 ways to beat them

What’s going on with drug prices these days? To say some increases (like the Epi pen and insulin) are unreasonable really understates things. We need to look at the system that’s in place for setting prices, the middleman you don’t really need, and a handful of ways you can beat that system and pay less for meds you need…

Joyce Hollman

Why statin manufacturers may soon target the mentally ill

Inflammation. It’s been called the root of disease. Not just heart disease either. Recent research is positing some compelling evidence that inflammation plays a role in the development of mental illness. No one’s prescribed an Advil for schizophrenia, but you should be concerned at what drug could be…

Easy Health Options Staff

Big pharma takes the TCM out of curing cancer to sell drugs

How many times has the pharmaceutical industry scoffed at studies showing a natural cure was just as effective or more so than high-priced, side effect-ridden drugs? Too many to count, right? Big Pharma is on board with these remedies, as long as they can profit from them. And now they’ve figured out how…

Joyce Hollman

How Big Pharma bribes you to keep taking their drugs

Most prescriptions are way too high. That’s why drug companies offer some incentive programs to help us afford their expensive medications. But insurance companies aren’t too happy with these financial incentives, and may soon put patients in a bad spot…