3+ ways the golden spice is your golden ticket to great health

Indian curry

How to use curcumin

Using turmeric in your cooking is one way to get some curcumin into your system.

As mentioned, Indian food, especially curry, uses turmeric liberally.

You can also drink turmeric tea. Either purchase it or make your own by using ground turmeric root.

In supplement form, curcumin is often paired with piperine (the chemical in black pepper) to help the body absorb it more completely.

Joyce Hollman

By Joyce Hollman

Joyce Hollman is a writer based in Kennebunk, Maine, specializing in the medical/healthcare and natural/alternative health space. Health challenges of her own led Joyce on a journey to discover ways to feel better through organic living, utilizing natural health strategies. Now, practicing yoga and meditation, and working towards living in a chemical-free home, her experiences make her the perfect conduit to help others live and feel better naturally.