Why a vitamin D deficiency means faster aging

It’s been more than well-established that a vitamin D deficiency greatly  increases the chances you could end up with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and even cancer — all so-called diseases of aging.

Just how this wonder vitamin can protect you, hasn’t always been so clear…

But now, it’s crystal.

It turns out that this one vitamin actually suppresses aging… and that’s no exaggeration.

To be specific, the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, has shown that vitamin D3 suppressed an important pathology of aging… and prevented toxicity caused by human beta-amyloid — the brain-killing plaques that signal Alzheimer’s disease.

But not only is it highly probable that vitamin D3 is the key to avoiding Alzheimer’s and these other terrible diseases to help you live better — it very well may be the answer to helping you live longer…

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Vitamin D makes everything right

Homeostasis is a medical term that basically describes the state of your body being in perfect working order…

It’s a condition of balance and equilibrium within your internal environment, like when your body maintains a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, even if it’s much colder or much hotter in your external environment.

For a long time, we’ve known that vitamin D is vital to bone homeostasis. And over the years bits and pieces of research have come out indicating that cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke are all higher in those with vitamin D deficiency. Just taking the right amount of vitamin D can reduce your risk for any of these by 20 percent, due in large part to its anti-inflammatory effects.

Then a number of major studies have shown that low vitamin D levels increased the risk of colorectal, lung, prostate, breast and ovarian cancers. In fact, studies have indicated that getting enough vitamin D lowers the risk of dying from 15 different cancers.

This leads us to where we are today — with vitamin D coming to the forefront as perhaps the “global marker of health and longevity.”

Vitamin D’s secret

So there’s no doubt that vitamin D is the single-most-important vitamin you should be taking, but exactly what happens in your body when there’s not enough vitamin D to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease — and even type 2 diabetes?

What the research at the institute found was that, as a “normal” part of aging, toxic insoluble protein aggregates build up and begin interfering with your homeostasis. Of these proteins, amyloid plaque is the result you’re probably most familiar with, but these affected proteins are also active across a wide range of important functions.

These functions are carried out via a complex series of pathways and molecular networks involved in stress response and cellular detoxification.

As far as vitamin D3’s involvement, research leader and postdoctoral fellow Karla Mark, PhD., had this to say, “Vitamin D3 reduced the age-dependent formation of insoluble proteins across a wide range of predicted functions and cellular compartments, supporting our hypothesis that decreasing protein insolubility can prolong lifespan.”

Using vitamin D for healthier aging

Depending on whom you ask you’ll get a wide range of answers about how much vitamin D3 you should supplement.

The Institute of Medicine suggests 600 to 800 international units (IU) daily, which is barely enough to support your bones.

The Endocrine Society and the International Osteoporosis Foundation suggest 800 to 2,000 IU, which is a little better…

But to really benefit from the anti-aging and anti-disease potential of vitamin D, my bet is with The Vitamin D Council’s recommendation of 5,000 IU daily for adults, and even more for obese adults.

According to Gordon Lithgow, PhD, senior author and Buck Institute professor, “Maybe if you’re deficient in vitamin D, you’re aging faster. Maybe that’s why you’re more susceptible to cancer or Alzheimer’s.”

I don’t know about you, but aging faster and getting sick is not on my agenda. Who’s got time for that? To paraphrase one of my favorite movie quotes, “Show me the [money] vitamin D3!”

Editor’s note: While you’re doing all the right things to protect your brain as you age, make sure you don’t make the mistake 38 million Americans do every day — by taking a drug that robs them of an essential brain nutrient! Click here to discover the truth about the Cholesterol Super-Brain!


  1. Vitamin D Promotes Protein Homeostasis and Longevity via the Stress Response Pathway Genes skn-1, ire-1, and xbp-1Cell Reports
  2. The vitamin D link to defeating disease — Easy Health Options
Margaret Cantwell

By Margaret Cantwell

Margaret Cantwell began her paleo diet in 2010 in an effort to lose weight. Since then, the diet has been instrumental in helping her overcome a number of other health problems. Thanks to the benefits she has enjoyed from her paleo diet and lifestyle, she dedicates her time as Editor of Easy Health Digest™, researching and writing about a broad range of health and wellness topics, including diet, exercise, nutrition and supplementation, so that readers can also be empowered to experience their best health possible.