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Easy Health Options Staff

21 ways to break social media addiction

Social media had a great start. It was fun. It connected us. But now, for some at least, it may have gone too far. In different ways social media can impact people’s lives negatively — possibly even dangerously….

Jenny Smiechowski

30 minute light trick makes you smarter

A lot of research has been coming to light lately about the benefits of light. Getting the right type of light at the right time can do everything from help you lose weight to ease your chronic migraine symptoms. But not just any light will produce these incredible results…

Jenny Smiechowski

Put your best foot forward to crush anxiety

If you’re one of the millions of Americans plagued with paralyzing anxiety, you may feel like you’re at a loss to find real relief for what can be a paralyzing condition…

Jenny Smiechowski

The surprising illness that boosts dementia risk

It’s becoming more common later in life, so if you’re noticing it more and more, you should give it some serious attention. Surprisingly, it can be a precursor to a much more serious age-related condition: dementia.

Jenny Smiechowski

Say goodbye to social anxiety with this food

If you struggle with social anxiety, you know how unbearable it can be. Needless to say, both your work and personal life suffer big time. But there is something you can do that will not only ease your social anxiety but also help your health rather than hurt it…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Managing grief: Ancient practices that heal

Grief is a horrible feeling at best. Dealing with loss, especially the loss of a loved one, is painful. It can be mind-numbing and energy-robbing. It can set in motion an existential crisis about the meaning of life, often leading to depression and despair.


Easy Health Options Staff

A nutrient imbalance may be the root of depression

Depression is not at all uncommon. The doctors are quick to point to a chemical imbalance in the brain and suggest daily medication. But for many of us, the problem could be as simple as a nutrient imbalance.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Bullying affects all of us

Bullying is dirty business. The cycles of what happens to create a bully, of what happens to make one susceptible to being bullied, and how these interactions lead to substance abuse and suicide later in life. There’s just no excuse for the bully phenomenon.

Sam Rolley

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can cause pain

Financial problems can cause serious physical health troubles — but it’s not because cash strapped people are less likely to be able to afford doctor visits. The real health link to personal finance may surprise you.

Easy Health Options Staff

The secret of stress: Use it don’t lose it

It’s tempting to ask your doctor for a prescription when you feel depressed or stressed or under pressure. But here’s something interesting that might change your mind.

Craig Cooper

Right exercise ages this muscle in reverse

Exercise isn’t just important for helping ward off heart disease, depression, stroke and diabetes, or for keeping your body flexible, toned and strong. It has a similar effect on your brain. In fact, there’s a lot of evidence that the RIGHT kind of exercise actually makes your brain younger.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

A forgotten step on the road to cancer recovery

Coping with stress and anxiety during an illness is challenging. Depression weakens the body. And this is especially concerning for cancer patients. But seeking treatment and therapy for life threatening diseases does not have to include heavy doses of sadness and fear…