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Brain Health

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Joyce Hollman

Tiny plastic particles can reach the brain in just 2 hours

It’s not new news that every time we drink water or eat almost anything we’re consuming plastic particles. What is new is the shocking finding that one of the most common may be particularly toxic and can cross the blood-brain barrier…

Carolyn Gretton

Could a sleeping pill prevent Alzheimer’s?

Research has established a definite link between poor sleep and cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s. Sleep medication seems the easy answer, but some of those can also raise dementia risks. But there’s a new pill on the block, and researchers think it has potential to lower amyloid and tau…

Joyce Hollman

How ‘brain age’ affects stroke risk and recovery

The health of your overall brain can protect you from the functional consequences of stroke. That means, the healthier your brain is, the less likely you are to have a stroke, and the less likely you are to have poor outcomes if you do. The key? Keeping your brain young…

Carolyn Gretton

No mumbo jumbo: The mind-body connection built into your brain

The mind-body connection is usually meant as a figurative link between our thoughts and emotions and how that impacts our physical well-being, even specific health conditions. But scientists are suggesting the mind-body connection is more literal than previously thought…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When your headaches happen at the same time of day

Whether you suffer from migraines or cluster headaches, when the pain hits, everything stops. And for many, these headaches come with incredible regularity, even down to the time of day they start. It’s a fact that’s led researchers to some startling findings and potential relief…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sleep apnea’s direct connection to cognitive decline

Obstructive sleep apnea steals your sleep and worse, the oxygen your body needs. That struggle to breathe may be your brain’s biggest enemy. That’s because even if you’re otherwise healthy, sleep apnea can put you squarely in the crosshairs of premature cognitive decline.


Carolyn Gretton

Your brain on high blood pressure: Changes that lead to dementia

If you have high blood pressure, your heart’s not the only thing you have to worry about. It can also impact your brain. In a “world first,” researchers have mapped specific brain regions impacted by high blood pressure and how that can increase your odds of dementia…

Joyce Hollman

Why golfers who tee off regularly could live up to 5 years longer

It turns out that playing golf just once a month can have a positive impact on heart attack and stroke risk. And, let’s face it, the older we get, the harder it is to participate in other sports that could lower that risk as much. But there’s even more to golf than meets the eye. Find out how it plays into longevity…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Bone loss: A significant risk factor for dementia

Bone loss and dementia are both health problems we have a higher risk of as we age. So for years, there’s been speculation about a connection between these issues. What they’ve found will have you running for your next bone density screening.

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘every day’ nutrient that takes down the Alzheimer’s gene

It’s unsettling to get news you carry the Alzheimer’s gene. But even though it may raise your risk of cognitive decline, there are ways to offset it. One of them is a nutrient you already eat every day, and if you eat more, you can lower that risk by 30 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Significant sign of cellular aging linked to Alzheimer’s

It’s a given that short telomeres accelerate aging. But after decades of research into plaques and tangles as hallmarks of Alzheimer’s, new insights show those tiny caps at the end of our DNA strands also affect brain structure, and why we need to keep them longer as long as possible…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Simply press these points for headache relief

Headaches don’t have to ache. Before your head starts hurting again, check out this quick and easy guide to the acupressure points that can head off headache pain before the suffering intensifies. You may be amazed at how well and fast these points quell pain.