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Brain Health

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Margaret Cantwell

Can these 4 nutrients help us avoid and treat mental illness?

Kate Spade. Anthony Bourdain. Two successful people, in the prime of their lives, took their own lives this week. And we are all asking that question… Why? But another question we need answers to is how to stop the mental illness epidemic. A new approach holds promise…

Margaret Cantwell

The hormone imbalance that sets you up for Alzheimer’s

Hormone treatment therapies of the past have many of us too scared to consider HRT. But there is an urgent reason why you should consider your options… That menopause ‘brain fog’ may not end with the last hot flash. In fact, it could be the reason two-thirds of Alzheimer’s victims are women…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why using your legs generates brain power

A recent study from Italian researchers found that when you don’t exercise your legs enough, not only do you lose muscle mass in your legs, you lose nerve cells. You’ve heard the saying, “use it or lose it.” Well, it’s particularly true when it comes to your brain cells…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your gut can fight MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s and more

There may be little your doctor can do for you if you’re living with a chronic neurological disease. But with the help of your gut, you could improve your symptoms, possibly halt the damage and get your life back — just by activating a little-known pathway…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to harness the power of curcumin for a golden memory

Curcumin, the golden spice from the turmeric root, has been demonstrated to be both a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound in numerous lab studies. Now, scientists believe it could be the reason why in India, where it’s a dietary staple, the prevalence of memory problems is so low…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Anxiety or just this hard-to-diagnose gland condition?

It accounts for more than 40 percent of all cases of depression and 30 percent of all cases of anxiety. Those are some big numbers! And, unfortunately, it’s super easy for doctors to misdiagnosis it as ‘menopausal symptoms’ or depression or anxiety alone…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Here is a method helping migraine sufferers everywhere

Migraines=misery. After an exhaustive review of more than 180 studies on migraines and diet, researchers at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center were able to identify four of the most likely dietary triggers — and what to eat for relief.

Jenny Smiechowski

Five scientifically-supported health benefits of saunas

1,628 men and women between 53 and 74 years old were divided into groups and given a hard job… to sit in a sauna for a few minutes, anywhere from one day a week to seven days a week. And one group slashed their stroke risk more than 60 percent. Any guesses?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 supplements to soothe depression

When you’re mired in the blackness of depression, it can seem if you’re completely alone, caught in a downward spiral you can never get out of. The last thing you need is negative side effects. The good news is that those medications are NOT your only solution…

Joyce Hollman

4+ ways melatonin guards against Alzheimer’s

Many people supplement this hormone when they experience sleep problems. But research has now shown us that we should be taking melatonin even if we’re sleeping well. Because, if you start taking it soon enough, you may just be able to fend off Alzheimer’s disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

The pills that make you more depressed

If you’ve dealt with depression during your life, you’ve probably explored all available options to put your dark days behind you. That may have included trying antidepressant drugs. Maybe they worked for you. But if they didn’t, you’re not alone …

Margaret Cantwell

The metal molecules in your brain causing Alzheimer’s (no, not aluminum!)

I learned something I had never read about those nasty amyloid plaques… that naturally-occurring metals in the earth and our food supply and considered healthy nutrients actually help amyloid plaque, the precursor to Alzheimer’s, to take over your brain. But you can stop it…