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Brain Health

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Jedha Dening

Have you tried a migraine-relief diet?

Migraines can be painful and for many, even debilitating. If you haven’t considered a diet change as a potential treatment strategy, it’s time you should, starting with these three proven to help…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The breathing trick that helps you remember

Breathing brings life-giving oxygen to your cells. But it does something quite curious as well: it triggers a visceral, emotional and memory-based response on your body — affecting how your brain actually works…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Boost your brain to beat depression

You don’t have to live with your depression, stress and anxiety. And, you don’t have to choose those prescription drugs with questionable effectiveness, chemicals and dangerous side effects. Start here…

Jenny Smiechowski

Better brain health begins in the bedroom

You may think you’re doing everything you can to ward off dementia as you age. But there’s one more lifestyle habit you should adopt ASAP if you want to keep your cognitive health intact… and it takes place in the bedroom.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is Alzheimer’s ‘in the air’?

Alzheimer’s and dementia rates are rising at an alarming pace. And they’re only expected to grow more and more in the years to come… Is there something in the air? The answer is yes. There absolutely is… Alzheimer’s-causing air pollutants.

Jedha Dening

6 foods that can trigger a headache from hell

If you’re reading this right now, you’re likely an unfortunate headache and migraine sufferer. But what you may not know is that 30 percent of headaches and migraines are triggered by foods. And the six most common offenders are…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Heat things up to supercharge your brain

Have you been more forgetful lately? Has it been harder to focus than it used to be? Talking to your doctor about it probably won’t do you any good. Mainstream medicine thinks that it’s all just a natural part of getting older. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Jenny Smiechowski

Fatty diet better to escape Parkinson’s

The debate about dairy’s health benefits continues… One day you hear that dairy increases your risk for serious health problems like cancer. And the next day you hear that dairy can protect you from cardiovascular disease and help you lose weight. So what’s the story?

Jenny Smiechowski

The best reason any ‘body’ should exercise

A lot of people only exercise with one goal in mind — losing weight. And they assume that once they lose weight, they’ll feel better, look better and have more self-esteem. But the truth is, exercise is more than a means to an end…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Brain booster found in your refrigerator

Did you know that adding this tasty snack into your diet could be one of the best things you can do to boost your brain health? If you want a healthy brain, you first have to improve the health of your gut…

Jenny Smiechowski

The pre-workout drink that beats brain aging

Exercise is the great brain medicine. But, if you really want to boost your odds of maintaining a healthy brain into old age, there’s one vegetable you should be drinking to ramp up your brain benefits and stack the cognitive health cards in your favor…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Dementia drinks: Are you at risk?

Do you think drinking diet sodas in order to avoid the sugar in other drinks is healthy? Think again! Those diet drinks you’ve been tipping up could erase your memories, leaving you suffering from dementia…