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Carolyn Gretton

Why experts say this is the prostate cancer prevention diet

Prostate cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers in men. For men with low blood levels of lycopene and selenium, there’s an increased risk not just for the cancer, but the damaging effects of the radiation used to treat it. There’s a diet that can help that and more…

Joyce Hollman

The one factor that outweighs obesity-related cancers

Obesity has been synonymous with poor health, especially cancer, for decades. But does the label hold? After a review of 40 years of data, the picture of health might change. There’s more than weight behind these cancers…

Carolyn Gretton

Mediterranean diet improves cancer treatment for melanoma

Polyphenols are a subset of phytonutrients that are especially “bioactive.” They’re known for drug-like effects in human health. Considering the plethora of nutrition in the Mediterranean diet, finding it’s helpful in cancer treatment is no surprise…

Carolyn Gretton

Is 11 minutes a day enough to keep early death at bay?

If you think you don’t have time to exercise, you’re far from alone. The recommended amount of 150 minutes a week often stops people cold. What if, in the amount of time it takes to drink a cup of coffee, you could reduce several risks that often lead to an early grave?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Popular manicure may increase risk for skin cancer

Before you head off to the nail salon, there’s something you should know. Gel manicures may look lovely but they expose you to a very real danger. Just like the sun and tanning beds, those nail dryers pack a serious punch of UV radiation…

Carolyn Gretton

Food poisoning: How it raises your colon cancer risk

There’s no denying how unpleasant food poisoning caused by salmonella can be. The good news is that the symptoms are usually gone after a few days. But for some, the infection can cause long-term gut problems of the worst kind…


Joyce Hollman

How exercise works like a roadblock to prostate cancer progression

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer in American men. Previous research has shown an exercise program could release chemicals that control the growth of prostate cancer. Now the news is even better…

Carolyn Gretton

A concerning connection: breast cancer survival and heart disease

Breast cancer deaths are declining. If we stop right here, that’s certainly great news. But even though fewer women are dying from the cancer, their treatment may set them up for another disease they should be followed closely for…

Carolyn Gretton

An important step forward in gauging men’s prostate cancer risk

The old standby, PSA testing, isn’t 100 percent accurate, leading to unnecessary biopsy and treatment and loads of anxiety. But when it was scaled back, metastatic prostate cancer cases rose. The key is identifying men by risk level—and a new tool may be the answer to saving lives…

Joyce Hollman

What men who want to avoid colon cancer eat

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer and men tend to have a higher risk than women. Caught early, it’s treatable. That’s what brought a group of scientists to re-examine the power of diet to prevent colon cancer specifically in men.

Joyce Hollman

DHA: The omega-3 that’s like poison to tumors

If you’re supplementing your omega-3s, it’s probably because you know they’re tied to heart health, a longer life and a super brain. Need I say more? Well, what if I told you that one in particular killed cancer cells and slowed development of tumors?

Joyce Hollman

Kidney cancer is silent, until it’s not: Know the symptoms

Kidney cancer is fast becoming one of the more common cancers. It often strikes around age 65, but likely starts sooner because, in its earliest stages, kidney cancer often does not cause any noticeable symptoms. And diagnosis occurs after it has spread. Know these signs…