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Carolyn Gretton

How your parents may have increased your stroke risk by 60%

Let’s start with what’s shocking about the fact that there’s a 50% chance your parents inceased your risk of stroke as an adult by 61%: It’s not hereditary. It’s not something they passed from their genes, but it’s just as unintentional…

Joyce Hollman

How hungry fat cells starve cancer

Cancer needs fuel to do its dirty work. That much we’ve known, so starving it has been a goal of researchers. A startling discovery found cells in our bodies can gobble up exactly what cancer needs to grow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood compound that beats back prediabetes

Prediabetes isn’t just a stepping stone to type 2. Even in this stage, it can cause heart damage. Lifestyle changes may keep the scales from tipping, especially a diet that contains this glucose-lowering superfood…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising kitchen appliance that’s a hotbed of bacteria

You might expect a damp sponge or counters to be teeming with bacteria. But researchers show there’s an appliance that needs our attention, even though it’s suprising how germs could flourish there…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dare to take a scientifically validated Valentine’s test?

You don’t have to read an issue of Cosmopolitan to gauge your love relationship. A Valentine’s scale validated by two intensive studies helps measure relationship satisfaction and stir up the romance. Dare to take it?

Joyce Hollman

The toxins linked to deep vein blood clots

Unless you live in a bubble, you’re exposed to air pollution. A 17-year study shows that’s a bigger problem than we ever thought, increasing the risk for deep vein blood clots exponentially…


Jenny Smiechowski

How olive oil and chocolate keep your arteries clear

Some foods are just made for each other… Beans and franks. Chips and dip. Mac and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly. Spaghetti and meatballs. But nothing’s better than a food pairing that keeps your blood pumping…

Margaret Cantwell

Cancelling the mercury threat in tuna

Toxic metals, like lead and mercury, cause brain damage, heart problems and kidney dysfunction. Abundant in daily life, the threat is real, but the news is good: Mercury can be manufactured out of our favorite nutrient-rich fish.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An invisible connection between psoriasis and Crohn’s disease

Psoriasis manifests as scaly, red and itchy skin, but is far more than just skin-deep. It can cause unseen damage, affecting the joints, blood pressure and heart health. Now there’s an answer for the stomach problems…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The threat increasing your body’s resistance to antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance has been a cause for concern for years, continuing to escalate without a clear solution in sight. Now we know why. A sinister threat from within disrupts how the antibiotics we take should work…

Carolyn Gretton

Movements that reduce risk for heart attack and stroke in minutes

They say fewer than one in five middle-aged adults gets enough exercise. But what about all the other types of movement you get in a day? You’ll be shocked at what researchers found when they measured those benefits…

Carolyn Gretton

Alzheimer’s protection as simple as breathing

Inflammation is believed to contribute to the growth of amyloid plaques, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s in the brain. Breathing an inert gas has been found to clear them right up. Could an inhaler-like treatment be the answer?