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Carolyn Gretton

Real or artificial: The sweet drinks linked to AFib

Sugar may taste sweet. But its health impacts are anything but. And artificial sweeteners have lots of problems of their own. The best advice? Unless you want to risk AFib and stroke, quench your thirst, not your sweet tooth…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The one fruit moms-to-be and older adults need

What do moms-to-be and seniors have in common? These two groups may seem worlds apart but they have one very important issue in common: special nutritional requirements that can make or break their health. One fruit can help them both thrive…

Joyce Hollman

The diet linked to cancer, heart disease and 30 other conditions

It’s no surprise a steady diet of the wrong foods packs on pounds, raises blood pressure and blood sugar and ruins good health. But when you come face to face with facts from 45 studies that include 30+ conditions and cancer, time to look at what we’re eating…

Joyce Hollman

The critical deficiency doctors can finally test for

The human body can produce many of the nutrients it needs to maintain health. But not all of them. And if you’re not eating all the right foods, you could be deficient in one of the most critical: omega-3 fatty acids. Finally, someone’s doing something about it…

Carolyn Gretton

Is it IBS or IBD?

IBS and IBD have a few things in common: they both affect the GI tract and can cause constipation, diarrhea, pain and fatigue. They’re both difficult to diagnose and can make life miserable. Here’s your guide to understanding the differences and getting relief…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why a fat cell’s ability to burn energy fails and how to avoid it

Being overweight or obese is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. That’s because it becomes harder to lose weight and easier to gain it, all at the same time. But now we know why fat cells lose their ability to burn energy, what triggers it and how to avoid it…


Carolyn Gretton

The nutrient deficiency driving age-related memory loss

There’s an idea emerging among researchers that the aging brain requires specific nutrients for optimal health, just as the brain of an infant needs certain nutrients for proper development. That’s led them to discover one particular deficiency that drives age-related memory loss…

Joyce Hollman

The diet habit exercise can’t save your heart from

To avoid just about any ailment, you’ll find some research that shows how exercise can shut it down. When it comes to heart disease, it may just be the Holy Grail. But there are heart health risks associated with one diet habit that even exercise may not help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The high-calorie snack that burns fat and slims bodies

What would you say if I told you there’s an amazingly healthy snack food that most of us don’t eat, even though the disease-fighting benefits are through the roof? Why? For fear this high-calorie, delicious-tasting snack causes weight gain. But the truth, in fact, is the total opposite…

Carolyn Gretton

The double danger moms face from ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods bear little resemblance to their original form. They’re unhealthy, but what makes them dangerous are chemicals known as phthalates tied to problems ranging from the heart to hormones. They seep into the bloodstream, and in moms-to-be, don’t stop there…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Why you shouldn’t lower cholesterol with OREOS

A published study showing that eating OREOs can lower cholesterol better than statins is getting a LOT of attention. But before you reach for a sleeve of the black and white disks, there’s more than meets the eye about what led up to this crazy story and the 71 percent drop in LDL…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fasting’s inflammation-fighting trigger may work like aspirin

A unifying theory of disease strongly suggests that inflammation is the major contributing factor to disease and aging. Fortunately, scientists are fast on track to identifying what cools it down to support healthier aging…