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Carolyn Gretton

High LDL? Seed oils may help best

When it comes to cholesterol, we need to keep the following balance: high levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, low levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. A great way to do that is through a healthy diet, including healthy fats. If your LDL is making that difficult, reach for these seed oils…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that gets most glyphosate out of your body in just 6 days

Dozens of pesticides are used on our food, many of which have been linked to hormone disruption, neurological problems, immune system issues and more. Luckily, recent research shows that you can clear as much as 60 percent of them from your system in under a week with the right foods…

Joyce Hollman

The brain-changing effects of one more fatty, sugary treat

Sugar and fat. These ingredients are the fuel behind diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease. Yet we crave them, so much so that you might even think that sugar hijacks your brain, causing you to eat more and more of it. According to the research, you’d be correct.

Joyce Hollman

Women can eat away a quarter of their heart disease risk

Heart problems have long been associated with men, and research may be to blame. A decade’s worth of cardiovascular studies found only about 38 percent of subjects were women. But one group dug deep and found advice that could lower a woman’s unique risk by almost 25 percent.

Carolyn Gretton

3 dietary factors that lead to millions of T2D cases

The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes is rising globally, and at a much faster rate in developed countries like the U.S. Research has honed in on three dietary factors responsible for 7 out of 10 cases…

Joyce Hollman

Obesity and arthritis: The real reason behind the pain and progression

Obesity has been blamed for putting a wear-and-tear load on joints that can lead to and affect the progression of arthritis. If that were all that was going on, weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing joints would not be equally affected. Here’s what’s really happening…


Carolyn Gretton

The amino acid deficiency tied to heart problems and the nut that fixes it

In Rome, walnuts were considered the food of the gods. Considering what we now know of their exceptional heart health benefits, there’s good reason to hold them in such high regard. But the biggest benefit may come from the nuts special relationship with your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The unsweet, non-starchy food causing diabetes

Doctors have been telling us for years to watch our weight and sugar and carb intake to avoid blood sugar problems, but something clearly isn’t working: The staggering number of Americans suffering from diabetes continues to climb. Turns out they were missing something…

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke, cancer and 43 other conditions linked to sugar

Some foods contain natural sugars, But unless you follow a strict whole foods diet, daily added sugar is setting you up for disease, and not just diabetes or obesity. 45 adverse health conditions have been linked to added sugars prompting a new limit…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘every day’ nutrient that takes down the Alzheimer’s gene

It’s unsettling to get news you carry the Alzheimer’s gene. But even though it may raise your risk of cognitive decline, there are ways to offset it. One of them is a nutrient you already eat every day, and if you eat more, you can lower that risk by 30 percent…

Carolyn Gretton

Why experts say this is the prostate cancer prevention diet

Prostate cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers in men. For men with low blood levels of lycopene and selenium, there’s an increased risk not just for the cancer, but the damaging effects of the radiation used to treat it. There’s a diet that can help that and more…

Carolyn Gretton

‘First of its kind’ study: Restricting calories slows pace of aging

By far, the most convincing evidence for slowing aging has come from calorie restriction. For years, studies involving fruit flies, worms and even mice have shown it can extend lifespan and delay onset of age-related disorders. Finally we know what it can do for us too…