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Joyce Hollman

What men who want to avoid colon cancer eat

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer and men tend to have a higher risk than women. Caught early, it’s treatable. That’s what brought a group of scientists to re-examine the power of diet to prevent colon cancer specifically in men.

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘K’ey nutrient for strong bones when you need them most

Breaking a bone, especially a hip, is a real concern for women as we age. So it stands to reason that if there’s something you can do to help prevent that issue later in life, you’d want to do it. Research says a key factor is a forgotten nutrient that drastically reduces that risk….

Joyce Hollman

What’s in your mug could lower your risk for hip fracture

A hip fracture, especially over 60, can be a nightmare. The long period of immobility that follows can bring on dangerous health complications. Calcium and vitamin D are important, but you may be shocked to know how much your coffee or tea habit may help…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that improves aging (even in nursing home residents!)

As you age, your body starts breaking down and becomes more inflamed. This leads to frailty… or what’s commonly thought of as “getting old.” You walk slower, feel creakier and just don’t have as much physical or mental spunk as you once did. But here’s something you may not know… the right diet can turn that around!

Carolyn Gretton

Vascular dysfunction: A direct path to disease

There appears to be no end to the havoc a poor diet can wreak on the body: the heart, liver, kidneys, blood sugar, and metabolism all suffer… but the damage a bad diet does to your blood vessels provides a direct path for that destruction and more.

Carolyn Gretton

How flavonols put the brakes on memory decline

What’s considered normal memory decline with age is not as disruptive as Alzheimer’s or dementia. But still, who wouldn’t like to maintain strong mental faculties as long as possible? If you’re getting plenty of this nutrient, you’ll keep a sharp brain at any age…


Joyce Hollman

The diet that doubles fat loss and reduces disease risk

The traditional Mediterranean diet is well known for its benefits that lead to longevity, partly by improving heart health and weight. Hard to believe it could get any better than that, but hold onto your hat… Find out how to double visceral fat loss and drop disease risk, even more!

Carolyn Gretton

The beverage that helps prevent calcified arteries

We’ve known for some time that coffee and green tea are exeptional health-promoting beverages. But you may be less aware of the significant heart protection another common drink offers. Researchers have discovered a daily cup can protect against this indicator of heart attack and stroke…

Joyce Hollman

How a salty diet literally ‘stresses you out’

You know salt promotes high blood pressure and increases the risks for heart problems, including stroke. But did you know sodium can literally stress you out? Research says that alone can wreak havoc on your health in ways you never thought…

Joyce Hollman

Limiting protein: A strategy for cancer treatment and prevention

The search for a cure for cancer is proving to be a long-term effort, but experts are honing in on the mechanisms by which cancer cells grow and spread. Nutrition, especially, has often been examined as a possible path for preventing cancer. Now it may also treat it…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Chlorella: Mother Nature’s superfood miracle

Chlorella is a true superfood, packed with amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that support the health of the body. If you are seriously ill, suffering a modern-lifestyle disease or an athlete looking to perform and feel better, chlorella may offer just the boost you need.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Acai: Miracle of wellness

Acai is reported to be a miracle fruit that can work wonders for arthritis, cholesterol, obesity, heart health, digestion, energy, erectile dysfunction, inflammation, detoxification, diabetes, allergies, bloating, muscle cramps and oxidative stress. But how can one fruit do all that?