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Jenny Smiechowski

What’s behind diabetes’ strong connection to heart failure?

There’s a connection between diabetes and heart health… no doubt about it… People with diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease. They’re more likely to have a heart attack. They’re more likely to go into heart failure. Why?

Jenny Smiechowski

3 diets that halt age-related hearing loss

It’s funny how common certain beliefs about aging are. Everybody will need glasses. Everybody’s memory will slip. Everybody will lose hearing. Well, hold on… A 20 year study says what you eat can help you avoid hearing loss. It’s the best diet you’ve never “heard” of…

Jenny Smiechowski

How the wrong milk could completely sabotage your weight loss

Maybe you’ve wondered whether you should go with plant-based milks over whole milk. Or maybe you’ve asked yourself a far more common question among milk drinkers: Should you choose whole milk or reduced-fat milk? If weight loss is part of the equation, there’s something surprising you should know…

Joyce Hollman

Cranberries found to disarm superbugs and make antibiotics more effective

Cranberry juice is perhaps best known as a way to prevent the misery of a urinary tract infection, or UTI. Now, a Canadian study has shown that the mighty berry may also hold an answer to the crisis of antibiotic resistance. That’s because cranberries launch a two-pronged attack to help stop superbugs…

Jenny Smiechowski

The antibacterial drink strong enough to go after TB

If you drink green tea, you probably do it for one of two reasons… To keep your cancer risk down or to keep your metabolism up. These are two of green tea’s most popular perks. But green tea has a huge benefit that most people forget about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Compounds in Mate tea and caffeine may help fight the ills of a high fat diet

If you’re like me, the next few weeks and months will be a whirlwind of rich foods, thanks to the upcoming holidays. Last January, my pants were a little tighter, my scale showed I was heavier, and I just didn’t feel as healthy as I like to. But some interesting research may make it easier for all of us to get back to our “normal” quicker.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Name your soda, name your poison and your cause of death

If you drink soda, you have a higher risk of dying. It doesn’t matter whether your beverage of choice uses natural sugars or an artificial sweetener… just drinking it could lead to an early death. The only difference is what you may die from, according to The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Jenny Smiechowski

Eat chili peppers to cut your stroke risk in half, even on a bad diet

Chili peppers not only have a powerful effect on your taste buds, but they also have a powerful effect on your cardiovascular system. In fact, research shows chili peppers can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. But the hot heart-healthy benefits don’t stop there…

Joyce Hollman

10 purple foods that fight cancer, stroke

In the world of fruits and vegetables, the color purple signifies something special. Any time you’ve got a purple or dark blue fruit or vegetable on the menu, you’re consuming a healthy dose of a special antioxidant-rich plant pigment known as anthocyanin.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The kind of coffee that can lower diabetes by 60 percent

You may have heard that coffee reduces blood sugar problems. In fact, numerous scientific studies have linked higher coffee intake to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Now, thanks to a cutting-edge technique, the one type of coffee that can truly give you that diabetes protection has been identified…

Joyce Hollman

Rewire your brain to eat less sugar and save your memory

Daily sugar consumption has been shown to reduce the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus, a process known as neurogenesis. It also increases the presence of cytokines, proteins that cause inflammation. Even though we’re wired to want sweets, it’s possible to rewire your brain to turn them away…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The new twist on the Mediterranean diet (Hint: Meat is back!)

The Mediterranean diet is known as one of the healthiest to follow if you want to avoid a plethora of diseases including Alzheimer’s and diabetes. The focus is on olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and fish. Would you be excited to know there’s now a meatier version?