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Cottage cheese: 3 big benefits of this old-school superfood
3. Curb your cravings
One of the best features of cottage cheese is that it’s chock-full of protein. In fact, one cup of cottage cheese has a whopping 25 grams of protein. That means, a bowl of cottage cheese is a super healthy and satisfying way to start out your day. If you do eat cottage cheese in the morning, you’ll likely feel less hungry throughout the day and be less likely to succumb to unhealthy cravings.
In fact, a 2013 study found that eating a protein-rich breakfast like cottage cheese makes you feel fuller, even if you’re eating the same amount of calories as you normally would from a less protein-packed meal.
It also reduces activity in your brain related to food cravings. That may be why all those fitness gurus in the 80s and 90s were promoting cottage cheese as a weight-loss superfood.
Read: 4 food cravings you shouldn’t ignore
If you’re ready to add cottage cheese to your shopping list, remember… when it comes to dairy products, quality counts. Look for an organic or grass-fed container of cottage cheese to keep this retro superfood as healthy as possible.