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Eleven elite health benefits of sex for men

In case you need more reasons to have sex, there are some surprising health benefits of sex for men that might just motivate you to grab your partner. Having sex can provide some of the same benefits you get from exercise, plus sex is good for your relationship, your heart, and your prostate.
1. Sex improves your relationship
It makes perfect sense that making love will help you feel closer and more connected to your partner. There are scientific reasons for this. When you have an orgasm there is an increase in the hormone oxytocin. This love hormone makes you feel bonded, empathetic, and closer to your partner.
2. Sex improves heart health
Having sex is not just good for your love life. It is good for your heart too. According to one study, men who have sex at least twice a week are 45% less likely to develop heart disease compared to men who have sex less frequently (once a month or less). Sexual intercourse is also linked with a lower blood pressure.
3. Sex provides stress relief
Having sex causes your body to release chemicals that help you feel good, ease stress, and boost self-esteem. Stress can negatively affect your health in many ways and cause testosterone to dip, so sex makes a fun, natural stress reliever.
4. Sex helps with pain relief
The release of all those “feel good” hormones also reduces or blocks pain. Sex can help relieve headaches, back pain, leg pain, and arthritis. So next time your partner says, “Not tonight, I have a headache,” just show him or her this article.
5. Sex improves immunity
Having sex one to two times per week produces higher levels of the antibody immunoglobin A. This important antibody helps your body fight off harmful organisms, keeping you healthier.
6. Sex helps you sleep
Who cannot benefit from better sleep? There is a reason why men often drift off to sleep after sex. The “love hormone” oxytocin helps promote sleep, plus after doing the deed, the body releases another hormone called prolactin. Prolactin induces relaxation, helping you to fall asleep faster. Better sleep means you will be able to manage your stress better. Plus getting eight hours of sleep at night also helps with your testosterone production.
7. Sex boosts testosterone
One of the ways to naturally boost your testosterone level is to have sex. Having a healthy and normal testosterone level is good for your heart, bones, muscles, energy, and concentration.
8. Sex is a form of exercise
Sex can be a significant form of exercise for men, burning 4 calories per minute, boosting heart rate, and strengthening muscles. Sexual moves can help you maintain balance and flexibility. You can also exercise to improve your performance with sex exercises designed for men.
9. Sex maintains length
Plus, having sex exercises your penis. Why is that important? Well, here’s something that you may not know… it’s the kind of exercise that helps maintain length, partly by frequently stretching out the tissue.
10. Sex improves prostate health
One of the best health benefits of having regular sex is in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and other prostate conditions such as prostatitis. In fact most men are surprised and pleased to learn that they can use sex as a treatment for prostatitis. Having sex flushes toxins out of the prostate.
11. Sex boosts libido
The more frequently you have sex, the more likely you are to want more.
If these health benefits of sex do not motivate you to get busy or you have lost interest in sex, there are a few health issues you need to check. Low libido or erectile dysfunction (ED) could be due to stress or psychological problems, it could indicate a relationship problem, or it could be an issue with hormone imbalance and even a vitamin deficiency. Experiencing ED could also be an early sign of heart disease.
Talk to your doctor about these issues so that you can get the right help and get back on track for having a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Things you can try at home are managing your stress, eating well, exercising regularly, and taking natural supplements that boost libido.
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