Alkaline Diet

Easy Health Options Staff

The best diets for cancer patients and cancer survivors

Lifestyle changes often follow a cancer diagnosis, both during treatment and after. Eating well is often the first step. And there is good reason for it, say the experts. But of the five most popular diets that cancer patients or those wishing to avoid cancer often turn to, two really stand out…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The damage soda does to your teeth in a little as 10 minutes

The next time you get the urge to crack open your favorite soda, think again. These drinks can irreparably damage your teeth, and it’s not just the sugar. With every sip they’re interfering with an important protective mechanism in your mouth….

Margaret Cantwell

4 evidence-based benefits of eating alkaline foods

It’s not a reach to assume that most Americans are walking around in a state of metabolic acidosis. No wonder heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and many other chronic metabolic diseases are rampant. Can an alkaline diet really help? Here are four ways the research says it can…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 habits that age you, kick them to keep your age a secret

We all want to look younger. Yet, little things you do each day could be aging you beyond your years… That’s why we’re counting down six seemingly harmless habits that can leave your face looking like a road map. If you’re doing any of these, stop now to keep your age a secret…

Joyce Hollman

3 reasons your dental care needs extra attention after 50

Maybe your whole life you’ve had strong teeth and a healthy mouth. But when you enter your 50s, you’ll experience changes that need special attention. Here are some proactive steps you can take to keep your mouth healthy as you get older…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tips for alkalizing your diet for peak health

Managing your body’s pH level can help fight health conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. It’s also been shown to reduce chronic pain and cause the death of cancer cells. Here are the most important tips for shifting to an alkaline diet.