
Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

A link between surgery, Alzheimer’s and a vitamin that may help

Going under anesthesia and enduring surgery comes with complications. But cognitive decline may not be one you’d expect. For some of us, that risk may be heightened…

Joyce Hollman

Researchers sniff out a smelly cure for Alzheimer’s

Researchers have found that the “rotten egg” gas the body produces has an upside: It’s capable of preventing the formation of tau protein tangles, the main cause of the cognitive, motor and memory losses of Alzheimer’s.

Carolyn Gretton

Resveratrol fights effects of a high-fat diet and Alzheimer’s

There appears to be a connection between a diet high in saturated fat and brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. As researchers explore this link, they’ve discovered that a particular nutrient may help protect the brain in those consuming high-fat diets…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soy metabolite may prevent dementia damage to the brain

Do you love soy milk, edamame, miso or tofu stir-fry? Well, we’ve got good news: Those soy products you enjoy so much may do more than fill your tummy, they may offer significant protection from dementia.

Joyce Hollman

New test for earlier detection, earlier intervention for Alzheimer’s

Almost 14 million people age 65 and older will have Alzheimer’s dementia by the year 2050. But an early diagnosis could offer a better outlook, more years of independence, even the possibility of new treatments.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The biggest perk for working women: Cognitive reserves

A thriving workforce full of women is not only good for the economy, families and women’s independence — it’s good for women’s brains. In fact, preliminary research from the University of California, Los Angeles appears to suggest that for women at least, earning a living seems to offer a big perk: staving off cognitive decline. […]