
Amanda Luft

How muscle loss shrinks your brain and the vitamin that protects both

There’s a nutrient that’s absolutely essential to keeping muscles strong and healthy. If you’re not getting enough of this, you could be headed down a dark road to chronic illness and a loss of independence. And I’m not just talking about your body, but your brain too. When muscles shrink, so does your brain…

Jenny Smiechowski

The first new Alzheimer’s drug in 17 years goes for the gut

If any disease desperately needs new treatment options, it’s Alzheimer’s. It’s been 17 years since a new drug was approved. And right now, the treatments available only offer minor symptoms relief. In the fight against this devastating and stubborn disease, hope is a very good thing, and it starts in your gut…

Joyce Hollman

Steps to take now to keep your aging brain in shape

Research has shown that exercise helps keep dementia at bay. There’s a pretty logical connection here: Poor sleep is a known dementia risk factor. Physical activity promotes better and deeper sleep, for one thing. Of all the “exercise” you can partake in, some of the best for your brain involve no sweating at all…

Amanda Luft

Is it possible to reverse hypertension brain damage that leads to Alzheimer’s?

You may know that hypertension in middle age is also associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s later in life. Long-term blood pressure damages vessels in the brain creating “white matter lesions” which can be seen on brain scans. But the good news is that this damage can be reversed…

Craig Cooper

Foods that help prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease has no cure at this point. Does that mean you should sit back and only hope it doesn’t happen to you? That’s a big fat NO. There’s enough research on how to avoid the mind robber, starting with foods you should eat, those you shouldn’t and other helpful tips to live dementia-free…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your pupils can reveal about your genetic risk for Alzheimer’s

Since testing for Alzheimer’s is practically non-existent, part of the fear is how it sneaks up on you. Because it damages the brain years before the first symptoms, it’s been almost impossible to identify a critical window when early treatment could actually make a difference. Until now…