
Carolyn Gretton

Stroke danger: Why plaque thins and breaks off

Strokes can happen in an instant. And the mechanisms that lead to some strokes and most heart attacks involve ruptured arterial plaque. But until recently, researchers haven’t been able to determine exactly why that happens…

Carolyn Gretton

Can an avocado a day really help you lose weight?

There’s no doubt avocados are high in fat and calories. But can eating them actually help you lose weight? Smaller studies have suggested that’s the case. What did the largest and longest study to date on the health impacts of avocados find?

Carolyn Gretton

Your brain and cholesterol on cranberries

Like most berries, cranberries are bursting with health-boosting micronutrients which give berries their red, blue, or purple color. But it’s their potential impact on the brain and vascular health that has experts giving the tiny berry a closer look…

Carolyn Gretton

How time of day (and sex) affects your exercise results

Exercise is so good for us experts tell us to do it whenever we have the time. But depending on what your goals are — less tummy fat versus more upper body strength or better blood pressure and cholesterol — your exercise timing makes a huge difference…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Strange link: Dietary cholesterol and viral infection

Specific limits on dietary cholesterol were lifted from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans back in 2015. But that move may have been too hasty. Turns out there’s an odd connection between dietary cholesterol and your susceptibility for viral infection…

Carolyn Gretton

The real reason ‘bad’ cholesterol increases during menopause

When women undergo menopause, they experience a decline in estrogen that kicks off a host of unpleasant symptoms. But what has been less clear is estrogen’s specific role in heart disease risk, and how the “change” is connected to cholesterol, until now…