
Jenny Smiechowski

Don’t get duped by ‘whole grain’ decoys’ deceptive labels

With mounds of research showing whole grains help fight disease, filling your shopping cart to the brim with whole grains is one of the best decisions you can make for your health. Full stop. But what if the whole grains you’re buying aren’t really whole grains? New research shows that far too many of us are getting fooled by deceptive labeling. Here’s how to get the real stuff…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How concerned should you be about arsenic levels in your rice?

If you eat rice regularly, it’s time to understand the very real arsenic risk that experts believe contributes to a whopping 50,000 premature deaths yearly — many due to its impact on the heart. Does this mean you have to give it up completely? Not as long you’re careful and follow these tips…

Jenny Smiechowski

When too much of a good thing could lead to colon cancer

You’re constantly being told to eat antioxidant foods to reduce your risk of cancer and other diseases. But what if these typically healthy antioxidants have an unpredictable side that can fuel cancer under certain circumstances? New research shows that may be the case…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The grain science says can slow down aging

People have been searching for the fountain of youth for thousands of years. Research has found that diets that severely restrict calories do the trick. But who wants to give up food? You don’t have to! Simply adding one type of grain to your diet can mimic that life-lengthening caloric-restriction, without starvation…

Jenny Smiechowski

The three best foods for fighting diabetes

It’s easy to get confused about what you should eat to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Should you go low-carb? Vegan? Low-cal? There’s so much conflicting information out there. So, here’s some simple advice — if you want to escape type 2 diabetes, focus on these three food groups to slash your risk up to 50 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Slash liver cancer nearly 40 percent with the ‘right’ fiber

Liver cancer rates and deaths are on the rise. In fact, it’s the only cancer with rates expected to go up year after year in both women and men. But just by making a simple change, you can bring your risk of the most common form of liver cancer down by almost 40 percent.