Nutritional Deficiency

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why are tomatoes being genetically modified with vitamin D?

In this day and age, it’s hard to believe a vitamin deficiency could be at the root of many of the significant health problems we face. But more and more research says it is, from heart problems, to autoimmune disease and even Alzeimer’s. But is the answer in tomatoes?

Carolyn Gretton

More proof a vitamin D deficiency spells dementia

As the world’s population ages, dementia is on the rise. Researchers, feverishly hunting for anything that can stop this cognitive destroyer in its tracks, have found new evidence further indicating that preventing dementia could be as simple as correcting one key deficiency…

Joyce Hollman

Breast cancer: Why Black and Hispanic women need more vitamin D

Vitamin D has shown positive effects on autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease and even COVID-19. Now research shows that Black and Hispanic women, who are normally more susceptible to breast cancer, are safer from the disease if they have adequate levels of vitamin D in their blood.

Margaret Cantwell

Vitamin D2 or D3: Proof one’s a dud and the other fights infection

Vitamin D is mired in controversy. Preventive medicine has always sung its praises, while scientists have been skeptical. But not anymore: Researchers have finally proven one form does next to nothing, while the right form fortifies the immune system and keeps infections away. What’s in your bottle?

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin deficiencies making older adults depressed

Fatigue, memory problems, even walking difficulties all sound like problems to do with aging. So, when depression sets in, well, no wonder. But what if all of these are just symptoms of a simple vitamin deficiency?

Joyce Hollman

Why you shouldn’t wait to increase your vitamin D

When you think of vitamin D, you likely think about bone health. But during the pandemic, vitamin D has come to the forefront for another reason… one that proves adequate levels matter not only during infection but before you ever come face to face with the villain.