Nutritional Supplements

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to get more from your vitamins

Are you among the 80 percent of Americans supplementing? Most of us realize that to feel better, have more energy, fight the ravages of time and avoid chronic conditions, nutrition matters. But are you making these 13 mistakes that can sabotage this healthy habit?

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What garlic can do for the common cold

Garlic has been used for centuries in various ways to combat infectious diseases. And as the years of interest in garlic have ticked on, modern research has found garlic to be effective against many strains of bacteria. But what about the virus behind the common cold? Let’s see what the research has to say about how it stacks up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The other supplement that helps you get the most from vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D have been shown to go hand-in-hand with conditions ranging from osteoporosis and heart disease to Alzheimer’s. But there’s a mineral deficiency that could be working against all your best efforts to get enough of the valuable vitamin D your body needs…

Joyce Hollman

The light aging your skin that sunscreen can’t block

Electronic screens expose your eyes to the damaging effects of blue light. But what many don’t know is, the sun is a significant source of blue light and, just like UV rays, blue light prematurely ages your skin. But unlike UV rays, sunscreen can’t protect you…

Joyce Hollman

Why your hips hurt and the supplements that help

Healthy and pain-free hips are important to maintain mobility and independence with age. Osteoarthritis is only one condition that can compromise your hip function. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to support your hips so they can keep supporting you!

Joyce Hollman

Proof dietary supplementation is a must

For years, the medical establishment has pushed the idea that supplementing is a waste of money. Will they change their minds after findings that prove food alone can’t compete with multivitamins when it comes to keeping important levels where they need to be…