Vitamin D

Craig Cooper

When low testosterone is actually a simple vitamin problem

Whether you want sustained strength in the gym, more brainpower in the boardroom, better performance in the bedroom, or other overall health benefits, you need to keep this vitamin at optimal levels, especially if you’re concerned about low T…

Joyce Hollman

5 factors that increase your fall risk and how to beat them

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, three million seniors are treated in emergency rooms every year for fall-related injuries, and one in five of those falls causes serious injury, usually hip fracture or head injury. But you don’t have to become a statistic…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Vitamin deficiency tied to diabetic foot ulcers

Foot ulcers are a major complication of unmanaged blood sugar. And they should be taken seriously. Severe ulcers can lead to amputation. That’s why to avoid them, doctors recommend proper management of blood sugar and weight loss. Add an important vitamin to that list…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why are tomatoes being genetically modified with vitamin D?

In this day and age, it’s hard to believe a vitamin deficiency could be at the root of many of the significant health problems we face. But more and more research says it is, from heart problems, to autoimmune disease and even Alzeimer’s. But is the answer in tomatoes?

Joyce Hollman

Breast cancer: Why Black and Hispanic women need more vitamin D

Vitamin D has shown positive effects on autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease and even COVID-19. Now research shows that Black and Hispanic women, who are normally more susceptible to breast cancer, are safer from the disease if they have adequate levels of vitamin D in their blood.

Carolyn Gretton

The simple vitamin/mineral pairing that can help with vertigo

If you sometimes experience the kind of dizziness that feels like a sudden spinning sensation, you’re probably experiencing benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). And it can range from annoying to downright debilitating. Some people experience a “once and done” episode, but others aren’t so lucky. Fortunately, getting relief could be as simple as the right nutrients…