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5 times burping might be something serious

We’ve all been there.
We’ve enjoyed a hearty meal, maybe a glass of wine, and are relaxing with our friends when we let out an embarrassing belch.
In some parts of the world, this would be considered a high compliment. But in the United States, well, it’s a real faux pas.
Belching is something that needs to happen, and often does, after we eat, drink or do other things that make us swallow air.
The occasional belch can be mortifying, but if it happens regularly, and often, it could be a sign of more serious concerns.
What is a burp?
In simple terms, when we burp, we are releasing gas that needs to escape.
We swallow air along with our food and drink. That air contains gases like nitrogen and oxygen. When you burp, extra gas collects in the gut and needs to get back out. It is forced up through the esophagus, and out the mouth.
The bacteria that live in our gut and digest our food also release gases that need “out.” And, just walking around with your mouth open all day means you’re swallowing gases. It’s no wonder we burp!
Often, what we eat or how we eat is the cause of belching.
Fizzy and hot beverages. The reason for a belch following a fizzy beverage like soda is pretty obvious. The carbon dioxide needs to get back out. But sipping a lot of hot drinks also causes you to swallow air and belch.
Eating too fast. If you tend to swallow that sandwich in three big gulps, you’re going to burp more. Eating quickly makes you swallow more air. If you want to stop burping so much, slow down and chew! Want more info? Read Skinny people eat slower
Spicy and acidic foods like onions, tomatoes and citrus fruits can cause burps that burn the back of your throat. If you find this happening a lot, cut back on those foods.
Sugar-free candy and gum. Enjoying hard candies and chewing gum make you swallow air. But the sugar-free versions will make your burps even worse. That’s because they contain sugar alcohols that are processed very slowly by your gut. They hang around before they’re broken down, which creates gas.
High fructose corn syrup, found in a multitude of products including sodas and fruit juices, is extremely hard for your stomach to break down. It also causes other health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer.
When a burp signals something serious
There are times when constant belching is caused by something more serious than just indigestion.
- Hiatal hernia. If the upper part of your stomach pushes through your diaphragm and up into your chest, it’s called a hiatal hernia. This causes stomach acid to back up into your throat, giving you sour-tasting burps. Some people find relief by sleeping with their head elevated.
- It may surprise you to hear that burping can be a sign of asthma. The reason? Inflamed airways cause you to work harder to get air into your lungs, and put extra pressure on your diaphragm, both of which force gas into the throat.
- In particular, H. pylori, a bacterium that affects the stomach lining. It will cause soreness and swelling, and the production of more stomach acid. Some research has associated it with a higher risk of gastric cancer.
- Acid reflux. When stomach acid backs up into your throat, you swallow a lot to try and get rid of it. This can make you burp. For a mild case, an over-the-counter antacid may work. Try staying away from acidic foods, as well as meat, dairy products, fatty, salty and oily foods. Want to know more? Read: Acid reflux’s biggest myth busted
- Lactose intolerance. Speaking of dairy products, if you consistently feel bloated and burp a lot after eating or drinking these, try staying away from them for a while and see if the problem goes away.
Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!
- What’s Making You Burp? — WebMD
- These 4 Signs Could Indicate Your Burps Aren’t Normal At All — MemorialCare
- 6 Signs Your Excessive Burping Might Not Be Totally Normal — Women’s Health
- What Makes Us Burp? — Live Science