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7 sneaky medications that cause constipation

Are things just not moving?
Is your daily bathroom ritual a strain? Or, do you think it’s normal to go just every few days?
Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not.
Over 60 million Americans suffer from chronic constipation, and if you don’t have at least one, easy-to-pass bowel movement a day, then you are one of them.
Constipation can be caused by many things, though most people never suspect the medicines they are taking. But, it turns out that there are 7 sneaky medications you could be taking right now that could be making your restroom trips more troublesome than they should be.
Let’s take a look at the drugs that are the worst offenders.
1. Painkillers
Any medications you take for pain, from ibuprofen and aspirin to prescription drugs, could be causing your constipation. Your digestive tract is loaded with receptors to these types of medications, meaning that they have a direct effect on your bowels. Chronic use of over-the-counter pain medicines or even just a day or two of narcotic pain medicines can stop you up, leaving you feeling bloated and sick.
If it’s painful joints you’re dealing with, try the omega-3 fatty acid that essentially blocks pain, and ditch the pills.
Read: 4 types of chronic pain you can relieve naturally
2. Antidepressants
These are some of the worst offenders in the battle against constipation. Older tricyclic antidepressants block the contractions of your bowels. When nothing moves, your bowels get more and more blocked. Even the newer antidepressants, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac, can leave you straining and unable to go.
Talk to your doctor before stopping this type of medication first.
Read: The simple mineral that could replace anti-depressants
3. Anti-nausea medications
Your doctor may have given you Zofran to ease your nausea, but thanks to its negative impact on the serotonin in your body, you’ll likely end up constipated too. Instead, beat nausea naturally with a cup of ginger tea or a couple of sips of cola.
4. Antacids
If you take drugs to relieve heartburn it’s likely to leave you unable to relieve yourself in the bathroom, especially if you take it long-term. Even worse are the antacids with calcium and aluminum in them and — unfortunately for sufferers of heartburn and acid reflux — these types of medications litter the drug aisles in every store.
But let me share a secret… your doctor may be operating under the false premise that acid reflux is caused by too much stomach acid when it’s actually caused by too little stomach acid. That’s what we call acid reflux’s biggest myth. Ditch the meds and try a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day in eight ounces of water, or the spice that works like medicine on acid reflux.
Read: 4 natural (and safe!) reflux remedies
5. Blood pressure drugs
From calcium channel blockers to diuretics, if you’ve been prescribed a medication to lower your blood pressure, you’ve probably ended up constipated as just one of the side effects. It’s easy to see how taking a diuretic can stop you up since they pull water out of your system… the same water your body needs to soften your stool so that it can pass easily.
If possible, consider natural supplements to lower your blood pressure, like pterostilbene, a powerful antioxidant found in blueberries that puts a dent in your readings.
However, never stop taking a medication prescribed to you by a doctor without first discussing it with them.
Read: I gave up ONE food and my high BP vanished
6. Allergy medications
The rule is, “If it gives you a dry mouth, it gives you constipation.” This makes allergy medications one of the sneakiest causes of constipation. After all, you don’t want to suffer from sneezing and itchy, watery eyes all season, so you pop an allergy pill. It seems harmless until your bowels just won’t move. Black seed oil is a natural alternative for allergy relief, that may actually help you “go.”
Read: 7 foods that fight allergies (infographic])
7. Laxatives themselves
The fact that laxatives actually stop you up may seem counter-intuitive but if you start the laxative cycle, it can cause dependency, and you may end up not being able to go without them. Think twice before reaching for that Dulcolax or Ex-lax. It may help today but make things worse in the long run. If you need a little help now and then and have to reach for a product to help you go, look for one with natural ingredients that puts the least stress on your body.
Read: 7 supplements to help you “go”
Never stop taking a medication prescribed to you by a doctor without first discussing your concerns, like constipation, with them.
Constipation is not something you should ignore. Too many people accept it as a fact of everyday life, but not only can constipation lead to hemorrhoids and even fecal incontinence — but chronic constipation can set you up for disease… from leaky gut to colon cancer.
If you don’t have at least one, easy bowel movement a day, take a look at the medicines your doctor has prescribed. You may be taking one of these sneaky medicines that make you constipated. If you can manage your health without them… more power to you. At the least, experience daily, easy bowel movements by:
- Make sure you get enough potassium in your diet to keep stool hydrated, and of course, drink plenty of water.
- Substitute your regular coffee for chicory coffee. Chicory supplies inulin fiber that supports the natural production of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Bananas are also a good source of inulin fiber.
- Avoid too much insoluble fiber from leafy greens. They bulk up stool and can make things worse if you’re constipated.
- Essential Guide to IBS Medications — IBS Treatment Center
- What causes opioid-induced constipation (OIC)? — Medical News Today
- Relieving Constipation Caused by Antidepressants — Verywell Mind
- Zofran Side Effects Center — RxList
- Side Effects of High Blood Pressure Medications — WebMD
- Constipation May Lead to Other Problems — MedicineNet
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