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Brain Health

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Carolyn Gretton

How heart disease can set you up for Alzheimer’s

If you have heart disease, your risks for other conditions are higher, including Alzheimer’s. That’s because circulation problems lead to brain dysfunction. The surprise is how early it harms the brain and how it can triple those telltale plaques directly associated with Alzheimer’s…

Carolyn Gretton

Can stress increase your odds of getting COVID-19?

Stress is associated with all kinds of health problems. Prolonged stress can raise your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, not to mention early death. Then, is it so far-fetched to think it contributes to your susceptibility to COVID-19?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Even in Alzheimer’s, omega-3s may preserve memory function

There’s no shortage of advice on lifestyle factors, including diet and nutrition, to support healthy brain functions. But what about a brain that’s already in cognitive decline? Research shows there’s still much hope…

Joyce Hollman

Why the link between cataract surgery and decreased dementia?

What if lowering your dementia risk was as simple as improving your vision? Research shows that people who’ve undergone cataract surgery can lower their dementia risk by thirty percent. But what’s the connection and what can you do to help your eyes and your brain?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A nasal spray for dementia is heading to human clinical trials

Dementia is a health crisis that’s been laid at the feet of America’s rapidly growing aging population. But we may be on the cusp of something major: A strange combo for better brain health delivered via a nose spray…

Joyce Hollman

7 benefits of positive self-talk (and how to shush the negative)

The reality is that we talk to ourselves all the time, and the messages we give ourselves have a profound impact on our health and well-being. Here’s how you can improve your “inner dialogue” and make it work for you.


Joyce Hollman

The music that can keep your brain young

Listening to music you’ve loved all your life can do more than make you feel good. People experiencing mild cognitive impairment or even early-stage Alzheimer’s symptoms can listen to music and re-shape their brains to prevent a progression. But not just any music will do…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Olive oil tied to reduced mortality from 4 major health threats

It’s no secret that olive oil is a heart-healthy alternative. But the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says it can do even more. How do they know? They followed 92,000 people for 28 years and the results are too good to pass up…

Joyce Hollman

Chronic inflammation: Your brain’s single biggest threat

Until about a decade ago, scientists believed we had a finite number of brain cells that could not be replaced, and that, over time, we continue to lose those brain cells. We now understand they can, in fact, regenerate themselves — and have identified the most significant source of their destruction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The simplest step to grow your brain’s white matter

With the global incidence of dementia expected to double every 20 years, combatting cognitive decline has become serious business for researchers. If you’re ready to get just as serious, they’ve found a simple step to grow your white matter day by day.

Carolyn Gretton

The ancient spice that tackles a modern-day plague: Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to a host of problems, from obesity to autoimmune conditions to depression. So researchers are exploring ways to directly target inflammation in people at risk. It turns out a long-used ancient anti-inflammatory spice could help with these modern-day problems…

Joyce Hollman

When women practice self-compassion, their hearts benefit

If you’ve cracked open a magazine or gotten online, you’ve seen lots of terms you might chalk up to New Age fads or practices, like “self-care” and “mindfulness.” News flash: beyond helping with stress, one specific practice made improvements to women’s hearts that could be seen in their arteries…